Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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I forgot to came ...

Well, I live in Belgium, I'm 20 and I can't help but watch CSI any time it airs here ^^. I love listening to music (especially CSI's), some celtic songs, and I love to read too. I like the books that are quite scary, I don't really like "love stories" books/texts. Except if they're CSI fanfictions ^^

As you'll soon figure it out, my fav one's Catherine so...

If you wanna know anything else, please, feel free to PM me
See you later then
Hello. I am Annie, Im 16, From Ohio and I am a Junior. I am looking into colleges that work with Criminal Justice Forensics Style!! I started watching CSI when i was 10. I have been addicted since. I am fairly new but not completely. I hope i can get answers and advice and make friends with all of you. I hope you all have fun!!
*waves* Welcome to all the newbies. Have fun! :D

Oh and Iris, come play with us in the Marg/Catherine threds! :lol:
I guess I should really do one of these things. :lol: *waves*

Hmm let me see. I've been on here awhile, but on another username... but I actually haven't been posting since like autumn last year. Eeek. Honestly I have only recently got into the whole posting on forums since usually I suck at it and forget. lol.

About me & CSI. Oh deary me that could take some time. How long you all got? :D I started watching CSI when I was 9. Addiction at such an early age, what can I say, CSI has been and still and always will be my life. (Along with CSI:NY now =P).... Oh! My name is well, it depends... most of the time on the internet it is Lila which kinda is my name... my full name is India Lila Wills. So Lila is my middle name. Um. I love Catherine/Gil. They are my CSI original OTP. Grillows is love. *sigh*.... also a Sara/Nick shipper, not a huge one.. but I am in my own little way.

Why do I love CSI so much? you want reasons... um... it's CSI.. I think that exsplains alot. lol. Hmm. Crimes, forensics, murder, Cath's hair :lol: the list goes on and on. I have a huge admiration for Grissom even though I've never met him (don't start with me on the whole 'fictional' thing cause I ain't listening. lol)

I live in London. Although hopefully after summer I am moving to New York *squee*... can't wait. Um I am a musican kinda.. I am a singer, but... I haven't chosen to set that as my career just yet. Becoming a Detective is my passion actually... too many crime novels + CSI + CSI:NY, just has covinced me that I really have a interest as more than watching it. We'll see.

Random facts:

- I am a vegetarian. Have been all my life.

- Have random moments where I start talking about CSI... even if it's half way through a conversation about something completely non-CSI related. And end up forgetting to breathe. LOL.

- I love LOVE love CSI boxsets. I am on a CSI boxset high. :lol: I've bought 1,2,3,4 and half of five since christmas. ;) and now the new season is out! *giggle*

- I am a obsessive talker. Somehow that comes through when I type. No idea how.

- I am home-schooled. And no I am not rich. lol.

And now I've put ya'll to sleep. :) hehe just kidding.

I hope.

x Lila.
Welcome to the newest newbies and all I forgot to welcome before. :D

Wish you much fun at the board!
Well...I should do this right, I'm DJRideout, I am new to this particular message board, *chuckle*...and I already messed up once. But I appreciate being informed that I did, I will definitely not do it again...I hope I don't! lol. I'm from Eastern Canada, a huge CSI fan like everyone else here...been so since the first season. I will probably be hanging out in the Grissom, GSR, GREG and Hodges related boards, so I may not see some of you other people out there and then again, I probably will....if so, I'll be talkin' to you all, if not...a warm hello and peace out!
Welcome, DJRideout! Hope you enjoy yourself here.

Always nice to see a fellow Canuck around here ;) We even have our own thread in the Misc forum if you're interested.
DJRideout said:
and I already messed up once. But I appreciate being informed that I did, I will definitely not do it again.
No problem, DJ. The moderators give you three chances before they bring out the official CSIFiles souvenir imitation virtual Lady Heather whips. (Just kidding).

Welcome to the nut house. Grab some of the virtual calorie-free snacks from the table near the door. Pull up a keyboard and have fun.
DRAGONFLYDREAMER...lol, ok yer name there is long, but cool, as you said, a fellow Canuck...and I will go in search of that room sometime soon, thanks for the heads up.

DYNAMO1...lol, thanks for the welcome AND the heads up on the 3 stike rule...hehehe!

Peace out!!
this is a reall welcoming thread lol. welcome to all new ones *me included* lol

i have a question. why wont it let me pick an advitar for myself or make a pic?
Welcome to the board, Forensics_annie. You need 100 posts before you can display an avatar. Please check out the Help Thread, one of the threads near the top of the list in this forum. It will answer most of your questions. Also near the top of each page is a link to a FAQ which is Frequently Asked Questions and their answers.
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