Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hi everyone, this is my first ever post eek very scary - but must say I was lured by the promise of free cookies! I'm from NZ but now live in Scotland so have thrash my beloved CSI DVDs to survive the long nights and terrible British TV.
Hey Lily or chocolate_bunny cute name, welcome ;) glad your here, and there is a hugh GSR thread, have fun ;)

And to all of you newbies, glad your all here, have fun on this fabulous CSI/LV site ;)
Hey my name's Dez I from just outside Vancouver Canada and CSI LV is the best! I hope ill have fun here considering none of my friends realy like CSI this will give me people to talk to about the CSI hot topics..YAY!
ATTENTION: All you lurkers out there.
We know you want to post here. You know it, too. Your fingers are just itching to type something here. You hunger for the virtual cookies and muffins that are on the table... just inside the door. But you can't have any. Unless. You. Sign. Up. We are like the Borg of Star Trek fame. Resistance is futile. :devil: Go ahead... make... my... day. Oh, and have fun.
Hi guys, I'm back! Went on a little unofficial hiatus during the off-season.

I probably won't post all that much, just on the LV and NY weekly episode discussions. Just wanted to see if anyone remembered me and wave to my old friends! :D
Hello. I'm also new to the forum. My name is Kat. I've loved CSI: for about 2 years now. I started watching after seeing the hotness that is William Petersen!! I'm an avid GSR fan. I'm gald to be a part of this.
Hi guys, I'm NikkiJamez! I've been a fan of CSI since day one, well actually day two :rolleyes: my friend got me watching it after he saw the first episode! I was hooked after I saw Nicky's face :D! I loved him in Savannah, even though I'm only 21, but I ran across the DVDS of that show at my local Flea Market, for only 5 Dollars! And needless to say, I'm watching him 10 years later!
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