Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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Hey I am new here also.....but i have one question for you....just finished watching season 4....and they made refernce to the dead ex-boyfriend of Calleigh's that got shot (in the lab???)...what season is that in and which episode. I have all the seasons but dont know which one it is!

:eek: Look at all the bright new shiney faces in here! :D

kelrocks, Pam, and Sabrina, welcome to the Miami Forum. :) Hopefully y'all will enjoy your stay here. Happy posting! ;)

kelrocks, in answer to your question, Calleigh's ex-boyfriend was John Hagen, and he died in the season 3 finale, episode '10-7'. :)
HI everyone i've been here a while on the vegas site but i am soo totally hooked onn miami too! just came to say hi and that H is great :D
Wow...what a way to start out the New Year, with so many new members. :D

Welcome to Pam, Sabrina, kelrocks, and grssom89. :)
Welcome to TalkCSI and the Miami Forum Kalee. :D I hope you'll enjoy posting here! :)
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