Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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Hehe, Roos, Miami-style... does this mean we should start to post in split screen and evey new post in a different colour scheme?? :D Just kidding! ;)
So a warm welcome to all 'newbies' from me, too, take your seat, some cookies, a cup of imported grog and enjoy the board! :D
Welcome all newbies. Be sure to grab your free virtual CSIFiles.com imitation unofficial Sunglasses of Justice from the table just inside the doorway. It's right beside the virtual sugar-free fat-free cholesterol-free snacks.

CSIFrost, do you ever discuss the previous night's episode on the air? Do your co-workers like Miami, too? Take a poll of listeners' reaction to them?

I do a feature called "TV Tonight" where I t-up what's coming up on all the major networks, so I give teasers to CSI's. The next day I'll make a comment on the show, more so if it's a big cliffhanger (ie Calleigh getting shot).

My co-workers enjoy it but I think I'm the biggest CSIM nut here lol
Welcome to all the new faces around here! :)

Welcome back to ukcsiaddict. :D
cinegirl said:
Hehe, Roos, Miami-style... does this mean we should start to post in split screen and evey new post in a different colour scheme??

No, but we take sunnies off when start typing and put those back on when done.
Welcome to the Miami Forum. SpeedFreak and CSIFrost, and welcome back ukcsiaddict! :D

DaWacko said:
No, but we take sunnies off when start typing and put those back on when done.

Exactly. :D *puts sunnies back on as she hits 'continue' button*
Hi to all the newbies feeling a bit guilty have not been on for a week what with christmas comming up and a birthday yesterday as well

Merry christmas and a happy new year to everyone see you all in 2007
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