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FAO UK Viewers

They have just started repeating Season 4 last night on FiveUS, they showed Episode 1 2 and 3 last night, so for anyone who's missed any of Season 4 you can catch it on FiveUS
Ok, can somebody please tell me which episode Horatio got married in and which episode Yelina died in? Please, i need this info. Anyone?
Welcome Hunter ...
Horatio gets married in season 4, "Shock" and I think that Yelina didn't die...In fact, I think that she went with Raymond Caine and Raymond Caine JR. to Brazil, in season 3 finale, "10-7"...But someone else can correct me, if I am wrong...
Yelina is still alive and well...I'm wondering if maybe Hunter was thinking of Marisol instead?

btw...welcome, Hunter. :)
Aw thanks guys! And i am enjoying it here.

Erm..does anyone have a picture os Delkos sister Marisol?

And as i see in some of your signatures, there's Horatio and Yelina hugging. Which episode was that? I must of missed it...
Here's a picture of Marisol.

The episode where H and Yelina hug is Season 3's finale '10-7' (my banner pic for example). Seems that Horatio has a thing for brunettes. ;)
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