Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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I love tropical drinks :D But does anyone have an Amaretto Sour? That's my personal favorite :)

Oh and since we're introducing ourselves a little bit, (if this is out of place, feel free to delete it, correct me, whatever), I'd throw a little bit out there...

I'm 21 years old and am obsessed with any type of law enforcement/crime scene investigation shows. The science of it all fascinates me... oh, and so does Delko :lol: My screen name is Avalia, but my real name is Nicole haha. But call me Avalia, it's easier that way for everyone since it's the screen name and since I just noticed someone else in here is named Nicole.

Oh and cinegirl, don't worry... I'm glad you pointed the banner thing out to me. I appreciate it!
Hello everyone! :) I figured that after several days of just lurking around and reading the different forums, that I should join on in. So here I am saying Hello. :)
Twisted_Elegance, welcome to our humble abode in the Miami Forum. Make yourself at home. :)
Welcome to the Miami forum delkoscousin. :D Have a pleasant time here, and don't worry about police brutality. ;)

*hands out tropical drinks*
delkoscousin said:
I'm new so if I stumble hold the police brutality!
There is no police brutality here. But the moderators have learned a thing or two from Lady Heather. ;) But it wouldn't hurt to read the Miami Forum Info and Help thread.

Welcome to the nut house. There are virtual snacks by the door. Wipe your feet on the welcome mat, pull up a keyboard, and have fun.
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