Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

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HC_4_my_birthday said:
On Friday the 29th dec 2006 five Us are doing the story of Csi featuring interviews with DC
Thanks for the heads up about that HC_4_my_birthday. I might have to tune in! ;)
Hi, you all. I just joined Talk CSI a few days ago. CSI Miami is my favorite because Horatio reminds me of my first Irish love many years ago...lol I have a question. Last year the show began its first season show with a wedding and the bride getting killed, I think. Was this Horatio or someone else in the main line-up of characters? Also could you please tell me what the show's name was and what season it was in where Horatio's to be gets killed?? Thanks so much for your help.
Hi miamistarsrock and welcome! I might be able to help you. First of all, if I'm thinking about the same thing as you, it's not its first season. In the season 4 episode 'Shock', Horatio marries Marisol and in the next episode, 'Rampage', she gets killed.

The only other wedding I can think of was in CSI:NY, and not Miami,in the episode 'Till death do we part' This wás in the 1st season. Hope I was of any help.

If you have more questions, we have a Miami questions thread ;)

Welcome all newbies!
Hey guys, I'm fairly new to this site.. I was wondering how you get the banners on the bottom, with your signature. If anyone could tell me, that would be great! :) Thanks.
Hey ChristineCaine, welcome to TalkCSI. :D

To put a banner into your signature, first you need to have a place to upload your banner. Photobucket seems to be one of the most common places to upload a picture. It's easy to use, and it's free to register.

Your banner must be no larger than 220x75 pixels. If your banner is larger than that, you can always visit the Fan Art forum to ask for help in re-sizing it. :)

After you've uploaded your banner onto a site like 'Photobucket', copy the IMG link on that site. Then, come on down to TalkCSI and visit 'My Home' at the top of your page. Scroll down to Personal information, email, password, etc. and press Edit.

From there, you can paste the IMG link from Photobucket (Or any other image hosting site you have) into the Signature box. Then scroll down and 'Submit'. Easy as pie. ;)

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask! :)
Hey Gang!

I've been posting about and somehow managed to miss this thread. So here's some info about yours truly.

I'm a 22 fem from New Brunswick, Canada. The Northern part of the province where cold snaps and hockey prevail in the winter, and boating and beach bumming on the worlds longest sandbar rule.

When I'm not watching CSIM (the only I specifically tune in for) I can be found working. I work the morning show at a radio station in my small city. I do news, sports, weather, tides and the most fun part...jock talk. Hobbies include playing a round of WoW, spending time with friends, going for a cruise with my music blasting, writing, drawing, blogging, playing cards and being with my family.

Humm...what else. Oh, I'm a smartass. I love sarcasm. I've been that way since birth and it's just escalated as I've grown.

My favourite CSIM characters are Calleigh, Alexx, H and Ryan. I'm sorry to say but I can't stand Delko most of the time. LOL Maybe it's cause he was mean to Ryan. And he's way too cocky for my liking.

I came to the show late, and discovered after watching some re-runs on A&E that it rocked my socks. I've seen most of the eps...season 4 ones still elude me but a friend of mine has Seasons 1-3 on DVD so I'm going to borrow those and hopefully get the box set one day soon.

That's it for now. :)
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