Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

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Well, since there are other newbies making some waves to the crowd, I thought I would give you all a wave from me.

I have been a CSI addict since the first show of the first series and I like all three shows equally. I have to say that my fave characters from CSI:M are Ryan and Calleigh.

I am SOOO looking forward to seeing the season finale this week it ain't funny.

Thanks :)
Thanks for the welcome, everyone! I have been a member for a while but life keeps me busy so I have been dropping by frequently to read spoilers. I am a terrible spoiler addict.
Welcome newbies!
Hi everybody! Im new just registered today! Im Marisol Barnes. I love Eric Delko he's HOT! so is Ryan but...Eric's better!
Hi, I'm new to the site. I missed part of CSI Miami "Rampage" on Mon May 15 (not all of it recorded due to President delaying the start). Does anyone know where I can watch it online or get a copy?
loram said:
Hi, I'm new to the site. I missed part of CSI Miami "Rampage" on Mon May 15 (not all of it recorded due to President delaying the start). Does anyone know where I can watch it online or get a copy?

That's odd - I didn't get the President here.
Unfortunately, I don't think you can legally download it from the internet. :( Sorry

But anyway, welcome loram, I hope you enjoy it here.
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