Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

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how you doing?? :) I'm Helena:p
i'm just saying: I looooved this place.. haha.. :D
CSI:MIAMI and Tim Speddle, ROCK!! :eek:
Welcome to Talkcsi MrsSpeedle :D

Don't be afraid to pop around the Speedle threads. :D You'll find them in here somewhere, sworming with us crazy Speed fans. I count myself as one of many. :D

Welcome welcome welcome. :)
Welcome to the Miami forum MrsSpeedle! :) though I think you will be fighting off a lot of other fans to keep your husband to yourself ;)
Welcome to the board, MrsSpeedle!
There are not only speed-junkies but also a lot of "Togoholics"( :eek:) here, and Calleigh-fixatet and, and, and...so just call all of us crazy :D :D
wibble said:
Welcome to the Miami forum MrsSpeedle! :) though I think you will be fighting off a lot of other fans to keep your husband to yourself ;)

Us? Fight? Now why would we do that wibble? lol.

I've been cruising this board for ages, and figured it was time to get an account here. My name is Paige, andI would like to assure you that I am just as crazy as everyone else here. :devil:

I love CSI Miami and the characters... especially Speed... sigh... anyway... I'll be around!
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