Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

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Re: This is CSI Lieutenant !

Do we have to salute Lieutenant? Welcome to the nut house. Pull up a keyboard and join the fun.
Re: This is CSI Lieutenant !

Welcome to Miami forum Lieutenant :D nice to see guys from Macedonia, i live near ur border country - we are neighbour i`m from Bulgaria :)
Welcomt to the CSI:Miami Forum!

A warm welcome to you Lieutenant. :D
PMD, it was my pleasure, I'll see you in the CaRWash thread! Welcome Lieutenant! *salutes* Do you have your sunglasses already? :lol:
Hi! I'm new here.
I've been watching csi miami since the beginning of the third season. But nevertheless I also know season 1 and 2 (saw them on DVD). :)

I'm really looking forward to talk to other fans and to have a nice time. :D
Welcome to the Miami Forum FreakyLady. Glad that you found us! :D
Welcome to hot and sunny Miami FreakyGirl! :) (though I wager not as hot as it is here in England at the moment :eek: :lol: ).
I never properly intoduced myself here...

Hi, I'm not new her. been around for longer but never posted until two months back or something!

And uh uh... I choose CSI: Miami over the other two without a doubt! 2 months and 1 day before 5.1 yeah!
Welcome to the Miami Forum, FreakyLady! :D

Speaking of melting, we've been hovering right around 100F here for the last week or so, and I won't even get into the heat index. :(

BlueCurl...glad you stopped in to formally introduce yourself to us. :D
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