Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

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Welcome to the Miami forum AlexxWoods! Hope you have fun, we don`t bite here (*whispers* not unless you don`t like H) Just kidding :lol:
Hi, AlexxWoods. While the TV ALexx Woods talks to the dead bodies, I hope you will talk to us live ones.
*Walkes In and looks round*

Hi there .. I m Cori .. i just migrated over from another DC forum .. been at this site before quite a few times but haven't seen the forum yet .. Glad theres a place for CSI Miami and DC/HC fans here too .. :) I also love Calleigh and other members of the cast .. but DC was the one that got me hooked on it :). I shall be posting alot as this is my fav show and subject these days .. I am realatively new to CSI fandom (just a few months .. although i ve watched the odd show now and again .. it took me awhile to get hooked hehe .. but i am !!) So see you all on the boards :)

Cori :)
Hi coriluvsH! Welcome to the Miami Forum. Glad that you decided to join in the fun. It's always good to see members of the DC Forum over here too. :D
Ooh...Cori :D So you finally landed here :D Good to see you and I hope you like to be here :)
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