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It makes me so mad....

OK, maybe I’m the only one bothered by this. But you know how the CSI Files board always has the option for people to rate a new episode, 9-10, 7-8, etc… Well it just makes me angry when everyone votes “Didn’t Want to See it” for the CSI: Miami and New York episodes. I mean… it’s ridiculous that this option is even there. I love CSI: Las Vegas… and I realize not everyone has taken a liking to the spinoffs, or even cares to give them a try. And that’s fine! But it always gets my blood boiling when all those people feel the need to come on the list and vote “Didn’t Want to See it” as their way of saying “Screw you CSI: Miami.”

OK… rant over. Anyone else feel this way?? I’m probably just over-reacting… but man… if you don’t like the spinoffs, leave it alone! There’s no reason to crap on them.
Re: It makes me so mad....

Don't worry, those votes don't count when the episode receives a rating. So those people (and yes, I always get the feeling they do it on purpose) are just wasting their time.
Re: It makes me so mad....

I agree. If you don't like the show, and you don't watch the show, then why are you in the Miami forum? Sadly, there seems to be a lot of people who feel the need to run down the spinoffs just because they weren't first. Which is, in my opinion, just childish and immature.
Re: It makes me so mad....

Its a waste of time NOT to watch the show cuz what elese are yha gunna do at 10 on a school night huh? Am i right? Hehe. Im hyper. Coffe is bad for young people. Yesh.
CSI Miami rock my world!

I think they're really missing a LOT of stuff. Also, if you look at it from a different perspective, CSI Miami plus the other CSI is actually educational. A wake up call for those missing it.....
CSI Miami
Re: CSI Miami rock my world!

Welcome to the Miami Forum Aliline! :)
Re: CSI Miami rock my world!

Welcome Aliline welcome to the highly addictive Miami threads :D! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask us :)
Re: CSI Miami rock my world!

OoOh! Swedish talk! Speaking of Sweden, I love Ikea. Haha! Anyways, what's up there all newbies! I hope there'll be a larger unflux of CSI Miami goers today!
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