Weird Dreams

i had the weirdest dream when i was a couple o' years younger:

i was in a big white room, which seemed to have no beginning and no end. a scary as hell off-voice told me to start calculating numbers or my sister would die. and then colorful numbers started falling from the sky. the numbers where huge and i was afraid, that they would squish me. so i started running away, but the off-voice told me, my sister would die if i don't do math. i was really, really scared and said, that i'm too stupid for math and that my sister shouldn't die.
i woke up shaking and crying. the dream recurred several times and always scared the bejesus outta me. i guess the dream made me mathophobic. :(
naw, in my dream i always woke up before i got to that part. *thankgoodness*
but in school i was a failure in math too :lol:
thank God, that that is over.
I had a dream that I was in this supermarket with one of my friends, and I saw Steve Carell. I went up to him and told him how much I loved The Office,and asked for an autograph. He gave me one, then I asked for a picture. He took the picture of him and me(grammar?haha) with a disposible camera and then gave it to me. I was basically just telling him how great a comedian..It was so believable! :lol:. I was pissed when I woke up with a big cough and a cold. ughh
Oh the joys of dreams when you're sick, I've had two that were off the charts crazy, but those are usually the best.

1. I dreamed that I was an alien, and our ship abducted a group of celebrities, the only ones I remember were Josh Lucas, Matthew McConaughey, Johnny Depp, The Rock, Ashton Kutcher, Seann William Scott and Joaquin Phoenix. There were others, but can't remember who they are. Well in the dream, nothing really happened, we all just sat in a circle and they taught the alien me how to play strip poker and since I was a smart alien, I used my mind reading powers to tap into their brains and made it so they would lose ;).

2. This dream really didn't have a point, I dreamed that I went to a car dealership and wandered around for hours looking for a special car. This guy said if I went in this maze and completed it, that I'd find the car of my dreams, I did and at the end was a 69 Dodge Charger, just like the one from The Dukes of Hazzard, but it was a baby blue. I bought the car and sat in it for the rest of the dream and just tooted the horn.

I know they're stupid!
Read my siggy. It'll give you an Idea because it's too "Detailed" to go in to completely here...:devil:

Also, I was Calleigh in the dream....hehehehe....
I had a dream a while ago that made me, a little scared, assured me my mind was messed up and also made me happy.

I was swimming in a lake that was packed with people, and me and my friend thought it would be cool to go under this bridge. So we did. And we're just kinda swimming there for a while, then Tom Welling comes up to us out of nowhere. We say hi to him, then he puts his hand on my head and shoves me under the water and drowns me. Then I woke up.

So, I was kinda freaked out cause Tom Welling drowned me. I'm sure my mind is messed up because well... the dream was messed up and I was happy because well, Tom Welling is hot.

i had this dream wear i was at my old elementary school, but it was the crime lab. i was wearing a wedding dress looking for my shoes with sara. i asked my sister to get my keys out of my purse but she couldn't find them. then i saw them lying on the floor and went to pick them up, but they slid across the floor. every time i went to pick them up they moved farther awway untill i chased them across the parking lot and behing a big red truck. behind the truck was a big African-American janitor holding my keys. he kidnapped me and took me to the movie theaters. i asked him if i was allowed in the bathroom, he let me go. in the bathroom i phoned nick (on my cell phone that i still had) and told him were i was. sara, nick, greg, brass and my sister came to arrest the janitor. when he wouldn't go with them sara took out her phone and threatened to phone his wife. he wouldn't talk untill sara actually started to dial. then he broke down screaming "prison's better then my wife" after that i woke up feeling very confused.
Wow, this night I had a very strange dream. Actually I was dreaming two separate stories at the same time, it jumped from one to the other, that only had in common my baby cousin in them. And they were weird.
1)I was talking about my Chemistry/Phisic teacher about my cousin, telling something about her. But the interesting part was that my teacher was like Aiden from CSI:NY. It was not Aiden who was my teacher, but my teacher that had Aiden's face. And she had also Aiden's voice :lol:
2)My cousin had just took her bath and I was supposed to dress her, and somehow I decided to lef my cousins house and I was instatly in my house (which by the way are separated by 15 Km). Anyway, when I was arriving, everything was dark and I felt strange. Then I was trying to close the door and there was that man who scared me to death outside, looking at my door. And I just wanted to prevent the baby to cry so the man couldn't know that we were there. Actually I think that man is also from CSI, I don't know from what episode but I think I recognise him.
And then I woke up :rolleyes:
I had the weirdest dream last night.

Well I was supposed to escort a whale in and out of dangerous waters in an enclosed ocean like place that had many obstacles. It was a very small whale, but it was heavy. When I got back to wherever I had to take it from, my dad was waiting for me, and we walked inside to a building with handfuls of bouncy colored eggs. :lol:
I saw a dream that I was driving and I had this trailer where you can keep a horse. So yeah, I had a horse with me (I hate horses btw) so I stopped to gasstation and tried to fill the tank but never found the right type of gasoline.Everytime I looked the number up, it had changed. Then I thought I fill the horse first :lol: I took the horse out, it seriously had similar pipe in the neck that tractors have :lol: And when I tied the rope next to the pump, the pipe was gone and I didn't know where to put gasoline. There was actually gasoline "for horses"

Then I thought oh well, I leave the horse and fill the tank of my car and the horse ran to the field where I found it sleeping :rolleyes:

I'm not weird....
Ok. I don't know if I can beat fueling up a horse, but this dream WAS pretty weird.

I dreamed that I was in a treehouse of some sort. It was quite elaborate - something out of a childrens novel, or LOTR, or something. Big, wide, easily navigable branches, platforms and fancy houses all built up in these monstrous trees. I'm there with some friends from school. Then I notice this guy who I've been avoiding, and I have to escape without letting him see me. So I escape through a maze of books that leads to a giftshop of sorts. I notice Bob Gunton, who is in cahoots with the other guy I'm avoiding. I sneak out the door (this was a high-tension moment!) and make it out of there. My friends are supposed to pick me up in a car. But then Terrell Owens shows up and starts harassing people verbally and I woke up.
I rarely dream about real life, but sometimes the dreams I dream about celebrities, relate to me than the real dreams I have. I'll warn you about these crazy dreams, they range from Tom Cruise, to Silence of the Lambs, Johnny Depp, John Cena, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, Bart Simpson and Paris Hilton, Jonathan Bennett, and finally one about Freddy Kruger.

I was in a mall in the middle of the night. There weren't many people in the building because it was so late. The place was nice; the floors were made of marble and the furniture was lush and comfortable. I was in an expensive clothing store when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tom Cruise talking on his cell phone. I got behind a sofa and pulled out a toy plane with a remote control. I flew the plane in Tom's direction and beamed him off the side of his head. He dropped the phone and tried to attack the plane, jumping and cursing the whole time. As he tried to catch the plane, he somehow caught sight of me. Tom began to chase me, screaming the entire time; I lost him easily.


I recently watched Silence of the Lambs. In my dream I was there in front of Dr. Lecter's cell like it was in the movie and he was explaining to me the advantages of the UNIX operating system over WindowsXP.


I had a dream that I was being chased by a clown, who was carrying a big knife. When he had me cornered, I pulled off his mask, he looked at the mask and ran away, screaming CLOWN. After he had ran away, my dream self, blurted out, that was johnny depp and then started to laugh.


I had a John Cena dream. I was "asleep" and then, I woke up, and he was staring at me. He blinked a few times, and then he said, "You have pretty green eyes." except I don't have green eyes.....Then, he walked away with Jeff Hardy, and Jeff was telling Cena that he had pretty blue eyes. Then John kinda started to walk all weired, and Jeff asked if he was drunk. Then, John said, "Maybe" And Jeff sighed, and said, "You are drunk" and started trying to help him walk straight, and asked him things like, "how much fingers am I holding up?" (except he wasn't holding any up) and he asked, "do you want a soda with that?"


How did this all turned out that his hot brother from supernatural who is Jensen Ackles was there to...i found out that they were in the same room as me...i saw both of them sitting on the bed...and something weird came to me...something told me that they were gonna leave somewhere and not come turned out that i like Jensen Ackles more then i like Jared first i gave jensen a hug good by and i walked over to Jared Padalecki gave him a hug...and then all of a sudden we kissed!!!i looked over at jensen and he was just sitting there like nothing happened...i didnt get him jelous...but i did kiss Jared was awesome!!!


I saw a very tall scrap heap with a castle on top, drawn as a cartoon. As the 'camera' zoomed in on the castle, I heared Bart Simpson's voice say "Hey, you're that Hilton chick from Paris!" Than I heared a girl giggle. And indeed as it was zoomed in on the castle, I saw a badly drawn Paris Hilton, and Bart Simpson, but older and wearing a huge blue cowboy hat. Than he started making fake farts with his armpit and Paris laughed her butt off.


I had a dream where Jonathan Bennett (from Mean Girls) and me where walking around our high school, while he was holding a camcorder. He kept looking at me, but I was shy and wouldn't say anthing. Then all of a sudden he kisses me and he morphs into my boyfriend and then he kisses me and morphs back into Jonathan Bennett. (People always tell me that Jonathan looks like my boyfriend)


Not sure if Freddy counts as a celebrity, but I had this dream that I and a bunch of other people were in this weird house that I think was partially a church, and Freddy kept popping up and making like he was going to kill everybody. But somehow I managed to stall him every time he'd show up, and he seemed to be starting to warm up to me (though he wasn't really friendly) . I remember I had him do something where he had to use his hand, so he reached over and did it with his "good" hand. I don't remember this dream in very much detail but I do remember a weird positive feeling I got from it that lasted after I woke up. I think I had various bad dreams that night, and for some reason the Freddy one gave off a relieving glow.
last night i had this dream that the lady from Pirates of the Caribbean had to get married to some guy. Then she decided not to. So he got engaged to someone else she left to break up the wedding. Too bad it was in some other place across an ocean. So she gets in this boat with some old sea captain guy. About halfway through their trip, they come upon some whale hunters. One of them harpoons a whale. the whale comes crashing through the captain's boat. So the lady and the captain grab on a string attached to the harpoon. The whale unbelievably takes them to the land where the wedding is being held.
Meanwhile, the new fiance hasn't showed up to the wedding.
Back to the whales. The whales take the captain right up to the coast. But the lady doesn't let go of the rope. She gets taken further down the coast. She finally lets go. She asks some guy for directions and he buys her lunch. Here's where it gets weird. They go to some restraunt and the waitress lays down 4 menus. Two in front of the lady and the guy, and two infront of 2 empty chairs. The waitress suddenly takes back the 2 last menus. The two chairs groan to each other and get up and walk away. Finally the lady gets to the wedding. Still no sign of the new fiance. She goes over to her ex and gives him a hug. Get this... he a cabinet set. It was like something out of beauty and the beast! When he hugged the lady he open doors to the cabinets like they were arms. It was so weird.