Resident Smart Ass
roximonoxide said:
PerfectAnomaly said:
I was simply pointing out that the poll wasn't just a yes/no, all or nothing question as you stated, but that there was opportunity and encouragement to discuss shades of grey.
But in response to what you said, I'll offer this. Ruben wasn't killed instantly. If Danny had stayed with Ruben, he would've seen the boy was shot, called for help and the outcome may have been different. Even if Ruben couldn't have been saved, there would have been an attempt and he wouldn't have had to die alone in an alley.
I'm aware that the poll asked for discussion and in that discussion I'm suggesting that Danny's choice, right or wrong, didn't kill him, and that to go from judging the rectitude of Danny's choice to suggesting it AIDED in Ruben's death is a really big, and rather unfounded leap to me.
Our exchange began from this:
roximonoxide said:
PerfectAnomaly said:
I keep getting the feeling that people think someone saying Danny acting irresponsible and making a bad judgement call is the only reason Ruben is dead and 100% of the "blame" is Danny's. That's not it at all.
I'm pretty sure the poll question reads "Do you hold Danny responsible for Ruben's death?"
If that's not blame, then I've been terribly mislead since the day I learned the word.
If the question was, "do you think sending Ruben home alone was the best decision?" then I might be backing this differently, but it's not.
I interpreted your response as telling me what the question was and telling me what the meaning of the word "blame" was as if my saying I didn't think Danny was 100% responsible meant I didn't understand either of those things. I'm not trying to be bitchy, I'm just explaining where I was coming from. If I misinterpreted, I'm sorry.
You're right, Ruben wasn't killed instantly, we got to see him on his feet, or rather his bike, for about 25 seconds before he collapsed. I'd love to have seen Danny diagnose and fix him in that time span.
Actually, we saw a flashback of Ruben riding into the alley, feeling the effects of being shot and then getting off his bike. We never saw him collapse. By the time Ruben was wheeled into the morgue, Danny and Hawkes had time to collect evidence from the scene and vic, get back to the lab, process what evidence they collected and discuss it with Sid. Sid never determined the time of death for Ruben, so it is very possible he was lying in the alley for who knows how long before he passed away. If Danny had stayed with him it is very possible there would have been enough time to call for help and maybe save Ruben.