Was Danny abused as a child?

Or maybe he is just a kid in a man's body. lol :lol: :) I don't mean to offend anyone. It;s just my opinion and I just like making jokes. If this does offend anyone, I apologize. :)
^ nah, its ok. :)

It could be that subconiously he's stuck in the past because he can't get over it and move on. He's running from it and sooner or later its going to bite him on the arse.
Yeah. I can see that totally happening- him just losing his grip on what he needed to focus on. It's just really tough for anyone, but seeing as though Danny's constantly told he's been making mistakes, he's definitely going to blame himself on instinct.

I was just looking at some screencaps at some episodes that i've missed and something caught my attention.

Is it me or does mac look angry at danny a lot of the time? He always seems mad at him for something. I mean it could be my interpretation of the screencaps.

I also got peeved with the way mac chewed danny out in 'blink'. I only managed to watch it this week. When they dumpster diving to find evidence. i thought mac's reaction when danny was suprised they weren't stopping to help, was harsh. I could see where danny was coming from. It may just be me but i thought he was very harsh towards danny. Danny was only asking a question, a relatively valid one at that.
To be honest i was watching the very first episode of CSI:NY last night where they were looking for the rapist and a rat, and in my opinion Mac seemed at little off with Danny then so maybe it's a past experience with Danny that we haven't seen, but may later find out about.

Either way there was definately something wrong between them, just need to find out what?
^ i completely agree. Mac seems to tell danny off a lot. It isn't full confrontation like in 'crime and misdeamenour' but its just little tellings off. Like in 'blink' mac gave danny a little telling off and told him to 'focus'.

I think there is a past experience that we've yet to find out about. Maybe it has something to do with mac being warned about hiring danny. I hope we find out soon.
I also got peeved with the way mac chewed danny out in 'blink'. I only managed to watch it this week. When they dumpster diving to find evidence. i thought mac's reaction when danny was suprised they weren't stopping to help, was harsh. I could see where danny was coming from. It may just be me but i thought he was very harsh towards danny. Danny was only asking a question, a relatively valid one at that.

I agree with this. Danny wasn't 'unfocused', he just asked Mac where he was going. Maybe if Mac had stayed and helped they would have found the camera quicker and so found the house before the mad ex doctor wiped all his prints from it.
hey does this mean then that we all got a beef with mac and the way hes treating danny cool my mother and i had an argument over this cause she said that danny should do wot he is told ouch wrong thing to say we had an almighty argument and she not even a mac fan cause she likes h boy do i live in a mixed up house
Mac has condescended to Danny all along, but sometimes, like in last night's episode (Blood, Sweat and Tears), he takes an interest in how he's doing and helps him talk things out. For whatever reason, Mac is concerned with Danny's progress, but he does treat him like a child much of the time. It's something in the way he talks to him. I think Mac has a lot invested in Danny, and both of them make the relationship personal. Danny wants Mac to be a father figure; Mac wants Danny to be his star pupil. They clash because neither can fulfull the role the other wants him to.

Another thing I noticed about last night's episode: Danny was visibly upset when he learned the woman who was murdered was an abused spouse. He seems to take things like that personally--he gets sad, then mad when dealing with the suspect. Flack was all business--disgusted, because he really has little tolerance or sympathy for criminals, but Danny acts like it's some sort of personal affront. He gets hot under the collar and visibly upset. That's not true of Mac, Stella and Aiden--they usually (not always, but usually) keep their cool.

I'm wandering (very tired today! :lol: ) but my point is that Danny reacted very badly to another case involving abuse.
^ yeah i noticed that.

Mac keeps blowing hot and cold with danny. No wonder the poor guy doesn't know where they stand. One minute mac's telling him off for no real reason, then he's taking an interest in danny's case and guiding him through. Its strange.
Hi i'm new, but yeah, i agree, i think he got abused, his whole demeanor is to me, that of some one expecting to be hit.plus he's like this ball of nervous energy, always ready to run almost! I wouldnt be surprised if it came ou that Danny got abused by a parent, or seriously bullied, he's just so...on alert i suppose, its hard to describe, but you giys know what i mean, the boy is never still, even standing still, he'll be doing something with his hands!