Was Danny abused as a child?

it actually is wrong! I went through about 10 years of brutality from my mom. she promised me that she wouldnt hit me anymore and after 10 years of broken promises i got tired of it! I was tired of people questioning the scars and the bruises.
i'm so sorry for you... when i was 3 or 4 my older bro used to hit me everyday with a stick but now that he has been to counselling sessions with my mom and dad, he's alright now.
Wow, guys, I'm so sorry... It's terrible when stuff like that happens. Really bad. What pleasure do you get from that? It's sick. Lock all those abusers up.

hmmm... yes it's sick but maybe those abusers are under pressure or stress cos that time my bro was under a lot of stress and since i was the only one at home he let it all out on me. now he's better and we've become best friends! hehe.
Anyone who has/is being abused should consider seeking professional help, especially if it's still on-going.

Back on the topic of Danny, I wonder if Mac is going to make him go to counseling if there was something in his psych profile that indicates that he needs it. I doubt we'd see the sessions (we're not seeing Eric's on Miami's thusfar), but it would be interesting to see Danny working through some of his problems.
Back on the topic of Danny, I wonder if Mac is going to make him go to counseling if there was something in his psych profile that indicates that he needs it. I doubt we'd see the sessions (we're not seeing Eric's on Miami's thusfar), but it would be interesting to see Danny working through some of his problems.

It would be a case of ‘do as I say not do as I do’ because I think Mac could do with a bit of counselling himself.
If the report recommended counselling why didn’t Mac discuss that with Danny when he came to Mac’s office? It would have been interesting to have Mac tell Danny what he needed to do at the end of season 1 and then see if Danny’s behaviour had changed any at the start of season 2.
It might also have prepared Danny to open up and be honest with Mac for when the shit hits the fan in the follow up to ‘Tanglewood’. As it stands at the moment, I have no idea how their already rocky relationship is going weather that storm.

Although I agree that Danny does need some counselling I’d also like to see the rest of the team helping him in some way and not have it all done behind the scenes. Or at least find out what is causing his trust issues so they can understand him and support him even if they can’t actually do anything to really help him. Most of the healing is probably going to have to come from Danny himself. You can’t fix other peoples problems but you can be there for them, however, it will be frustrating for them (and us!) if they never find out what happened in Danny’s past.
^I agree that it's puzzling that Mac didn't address anything in the report with Danny. Are they supposed to have a conference about it? I don't know what the policy is there.

Danny's obviously worried about his relationship with Mac and possibly what's in that report. I wonder how Danny would feel about someone finding out about his past. He's pretty secretive; it seems to me that he wouldn't take it well.
^I agree that it's puzzling that Mac didn't address anything in the report with Danny. Are they supposed to have a conference about it? I don't know what the policy is there.

If Mac was unhappy with something in that report then, policy or not, he should have had a talk with Danny.

I wonder how Danny would feel about someone finding out about his past. He's pretty secretive; it seems to me that he wouldn't take it well.

I don’t doubt for one moment that Danny won’t like anyone finding out about his past, but I think it’s what he needs so he can start to move on from it and be more in control of his own life. It's more about what Danny needs rather than what he wants.

If they do kill off one of the main characters, assuming it isn’t Danny himself, how do you think he’s going to deal with that?
^I can't see Danny dealing with it well at all. Danny is far and away the most emotional of the team, so he's definitely going to take it the hardest. Especially if it's Flack or Aiden (whom the CSI Files story indicates are the two most likely candidtes). Flack seems to be Danny's best friend, and Aiden is the person he's paired with most often. I see Danny taking either's death very hard. Given that he can't disguise his emotions under even the best of circumstances, I don't see him handling it well at all.
I wonder which would be worse for him- to be there and not be able to stop whatever happens or to not be there and have Mac or Stella tell him that Aiden or Flack(whichever one it is,personally I think it's Aiden) is dead. Either way, he'll have major guilt. If he's there, he'll feel guilty for not being able to stop it. If he's not there, he'll feel guilty for not being there, probably thinking that if he was, he'd have been able to stop it. He'll probably also feel bad for not being able to say goodbye.
Probably either would be terrible for him. I just don't think he could deal with it no matter how it happened. Understandable, since it's terrible to lose someone no matter how it happens, but I wonder how much Danny will let it affect his job. He just doesn't seem to be able to hold anything in, so I can't imagine he'll be able to carry on as though everything is normal.
^I can't see Danny dealing with it well at all. Danny is far and away the most emotional of the team, so he's definitely going to take it the hardest. Especially if it's Flack or Aiden (whom the CSI Files story indicates are the two most likely candidtes). Flack seems to be Danny's best friend, and Aiden is the person he's paired with most often. I see Danny taking either's death very hard. Given that he can't disguise his emotions under even the best of circumstances, I don't see him handling it well at all.

Yeah, I think so too. He'd probably blame himself if he had anything to do with it. And- as I suspect- if he has any romantic interest in Aiden, forget about it.

I can see him blaming himself for _______ death. I can see it really hitting him hard and him either withdrawing completely, and sinking further into the hole he's dug himself.

Or the death of a friend may be the catalyst for Danny's crash and burn. For one of his friends to die (may be it triggers memories from his past) and he can't handle it anymore and finally opens up.