Was Danny abused as a child?

Mac and Stella are above him though, and Aiden and Flack are both more on his level and also friends. Danny isn't a nasty person and I don't think he'll explode at the new girl unless she really gets on his case. He's more likely to turn it all onto himself.
^ i agree. He'll be more likely to turn it on himself than the new girl. That is unless she starts prying to much or annoying him.
Yes, that is true. Still he's got quite a passionate character. Maybe TPTB will not let him explode for the sake of the show, but I sure wouldn't put it past Danny to do so!

I'm still not entirely convinced Dannys's gonna go all quiet on everyone. He seems more like the type who will rebel. But if he does become withdrawn, I'm sure Carmine's gonna play the part beautifully!
carmine will play it brilliantly whatever the writers come up with. It's partly what makes danny so interesting, how well carmine plays him.
With all the new carachters coming up and Sheldon in the field ánd the troubles from the past, I predict this can be a very interesting season. I'm really interested to see how the relationship between Mac an Danny develops. If Mac is gonna focus more on Sheldon and that new guy, I'm really interested in how Danny is gonna handle that. And how Stella and (especially) Aiden are gonna react on this.
I don't think Danny will resent Sheldon either...it would more likely be the new girl, Summer. Danny strikes me as territorial and protective of his "people"--since he doesn't trust easily, he's the type to be wary of new people. In fact, he's already shown that he is: he's abrupt with Chad, and he was snarky to Officers Lilly and Vicaro. Danny likes the people he knows, but since he doesn't trust easily, he's standoffish to those he doesn't know.

I don't see him being mean to Summer--after all, as someone said above, he's not a nasty person--but I don't think he'll warm to her right away either, since he'll see her as somewhat of an interloper on his territory.
^ i agree. I think he'll be very wary and defensive. It may seen nasty to summer but she doesn't know danny. He seems to have good intentions, she'll just have to realise he isn't the trusting type.

I also agree that he doesn't like people he doesn't know. The people he works with have had to earn the little trust he's given them and even then he pushes them away. If he's like that with people he knows, its no wonder he's abrupt and defensive with people he doesn't.
It will be interesting to see the reaction between Danny and this new character. It would be an interesting episode if Summer found out, accidently what Danny's secret was, whether it was childhood abuse or if he actually was in a gang. What would she do with the information. Would she go to Mac, hoping to score points with the boss, or would she confront Danny himself. And how would Danny react to either senario.

Whatever happens it will be an intesting season. Is it September yet?
^Yeah, actually, having the new character find out about Danny's secrets would be a great dramatic set-up. Danny wouldn't like that one bit. Someone he didn't know well enough to trust even a little knowing his deepest secrets? Yeah, Danny wouldn't handle that well at all.
^ i can imagine him exploding then. That would be a really great storyline if Summer found out about Danny's past. I'm not sure if she'd tell Mac. She may tell Mac, or she may confront Danny and tell him to tell mac because she has danny's best interests at heart.

Sadly its not september yet adder574 but it'll be here really soon. :)
he's abrupt with Chad, and he was snarky to Officers Lilly and Vicaro.

I didn’t think Danny was all that bad with Chad. He whistled at him to get his attention back on the work because Aiden and Chad were kinda squaring up to each other. Again with Officer Lilly, it was Aiden flirting a bit with the uniform and Danny was probably feeling jealous and protective. Detective Vicaro was being an arse and deserved what he got.

There’d probably be more problems if the new CSI doesn’t get on with Aiden rather than Danny, because of that negative self image Danny has, I think he’d be more likely to have a go at her if she didn’t like Aiden than if she didn’t like him.

Doesn't feel quite right to me that a new girl would be the one to find out about Danny's problems and help him. Maybe find out, give him hell and get fired for it. :devil: Sorry, she might be very nice but at the moment she's the bit I'm least looking forward to in the season 2.
I didn’t think Danny was all that bad with Chad. He whistled at him to get his attention back on the work because Aiden and Chad were kinda squaring up to each other. Again with Officer Lilly, it was Aiden flirting a bit with the uniform and Danny was probably feeling jealous and protective. Detective Vicaro was being an arse and deserved what he got.

Maybe one but all three? Contrast that to how he was with Maka, someone he knew from before. Nice, friendly, personable, like he is with the other CSIs.

Vicaro just asked them to identify themselves; he was weird but not exactly a jerk. Of the three, Danny was probably nicest to Lilly, but he was snarky with him over the name mistake. He was kind of condescending to Chad.

There’d probably be more problems if the new CSI doesn’t get on with Aiden rather than Danny, because of that negative self image Danny has, I think he’d be more likely to have a go at her if she didn’t like Aiden than if she didn’t like him.

I can see Danny being protective of those he cares about, yeah. Probably because he's never had anyone to look out for him, he's more sensitive to that.
I think maybe Danny trying to prove himself goes to the Tanglewood thing way back. Like, maybe he let them down by not joining and they beat him up, or maybe he went to his dad (wasn't his dad like some sort of criminal?) and he let him down. Perhaps he was hurt really badly and given a guilt trip and all, and that's why he works so hard at trying to prove himself, ya know? So he doesn't let anyone else down.

^ that's a very good point. I can see that happening. It would also kind of link back to the trust thing. If he can't even trust himself to not let people down, how can he trust other people?

I see what you mean about him being a bit abrupt with other people. It can be interupted in different ways. He's trying to figure them out, so he's wary.

Vicaro was just weird. I think i'd be slightly like that as well. Stange fellow. :)
dudes i think that he was abused as a child, to tell the truth i was abused as a child up until the age of 15. i got tired of it and rebelled, i almost smoked a joint, i started cutting myself, not severely but enough, i stole, i even stopped eating. I basically lost my way. I am still pretty screwed up because of it. (this is all true by the way, and since i moved to calgary to live with my dad, my life still sucks! im going back to my old ways)