Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

NICK: What's this I hear about you and Greg? WTF! Are you cheating on me?
WARRICK: The way I understand it, it's YOU and Greg that are getting it on.
NICK: I...uh...well... Oh, the hell with it, lets just have a threesome.
WARRICK: Now don't go putting ideas into lament's head...

They're already there!!! :D

Kristen, don't you have some pics for us?
I'll share some of my pics..with captions..PG rated for sure. Hold on a moment. I jsut don't want to get i trouble for posting pics inside the post..I know Mods get mad about that.
Okay, hope this is all right to post. If not, can someone hide them in a link if they are too big.

Here are some more visual aids...


"Now Nick, do I need to demonstrate on Mr. Wiggles?'


Love this smile. Wonder what Warrick told him?


Love my men in vests.


"I'm playing cards with my friend."


"You want me to do what??"

Those are great, Kristen! Very slurpalicious! :D

And size-wise, the only time we'll go
, is if the pictures stretch the screen. Those are the right size that they don't, so you're fine. :)

So far, we seem to be a bit spoiler-thin for Warrick and Nick. Anyone heard anything? I know I've heard things about Warrick and about Nick. But anything about them working together?
Good analysis of "Primum Non Nocere!" If you write a post-ep for PNN, let us know!!

Done - I put it here . Not a big production, just a little extension to what was shown. Other folks might have different ideas about those few moments after the camera leaves off - I actually like that the CSI writers leave so much to the imagination - and if so I'd love to read their ideas...

I just do a search of keyword "Warrick & Nick" at Google. then I fount this article. Actually I can't write english well. It seems to study of english grammar.

Anyway, I just want to say this. "Ditto!"

I Think it's so lovely couple. W/N. I love them so much.

see you again. bye~ ^-^;
mmmmm, Kristen, tasty tasty pics. All I can do not to lick my screen... Hmm, I may need professional help :lol:

korbjaeger absolutely loved the fic! :D
Kristen, are you trying to make me hyperventilate?

I'm late on the Warrick/Nick post-GD fic. Ooops. It will be soon...just not as soon as I would have liked it to have been written. You see, this pesky condition called 'Writer's Block' has hit me full-steam and I'm going insane...I do have sooooooooo many Warrick/Nick ideas, but do they want to be written on MS Word...noooooo!

ctx :D
IHeart, I think Warrick and Nick can crush that "Writer's Block" to bits. ;) You'd better get that story written before I go all mod on you. :lol:

*hopes no one asks her how her Nick/Warrick story is going*
Ahem, lament, hows your Nick/Warrick story going? :devil: :lol:

IHeartEric I totally sympathise - writer's block is currently kicking the crap outta me. Not fun :(
You're ganging up!! Ah, well, I'm going to try to get a story written eventually. ;)

So, random discussion question: How did "Stalker" affect the Warrick/Nick relationship? In other words, what could have happened between them off-screen as a result of "Stalker?" Would they have been drawn together? Pushed apart?
I think it made Warrick feel more protective of Nicky. He was so cut up with guilt over what happened - Nicky getting attacked when Warrick was standing right outside. As irrational as it was, you could see that Warrick blamed himself. And it think that made his reaction to what happened in GD even stronger. He was probably thinking - this is the second time Nicky's been hurt and i could have prevented it.

I think, post-Stalker, Nick would have wanted more company, at least for a while. I can see Warrick hanging out at Nick's a lot more, and them going out together a lot more, so that Nicky didn't feel so alone and vulnerable.