Wallpaper Thread #6

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Berylla Nienna, You gotta be kidding me? :devil: :devil: Better not let my other half know, but I guess he does!
Fruitbat, you litte snaggly! Hope you enjoy them. :lol:
Thanks for all your feedback guys. We enjoyed working together on our Macky.

But did we stop there? :confused: :confused: NO WAY!!! This is SHARING. LMH and I thought of you H-fans too. :p We teamed up again! She takes credits for the poem, I for the wall. Hope you all enjoy!

Wow, so many wallpapers posted since I last visited here. Every single one though, is amazing.

Today brings a Delko wall from me.

Berylla Nienna
that wall of Sofia is gorgeous!!!

Do you mind posting or sending me that pic? Or may be telling me where to find it? I have never seen it before, and it's adorable!!
wow fallenthrough thats fab
csisenna/lmh...ahhhhhhhh i love it, wonder wots up your sleeves for the next one you both do :cool: a Flackie one maybe :devil: ( thats a big hint for you ;))
Fallenthrough, now that's an amazing wall! :devil:
Mitzi, we do take requests. Just PM the pic. I don't have any Flacks *wonders why?* Maybe it's the age thing.

Another Macky for my LMH to brigthen up her day!

Hiya....Love the wall Senna, and it does cheer me up, but then how could he not :). thankies and huggies. So Yummy, and I love the phot you used. **Big Huggies**

Ceri, just send Senna the pic, and then I'll see what I can do about the poem, ;) ;)

ttys LMH :)
wolfesgamergirl said:
Berylla Nienna, I really love the colors and the picture you used for the calander. I really, really like the over lay. Could you please explain how you did that? Thanks! :)

^^ I always use Paint shop Pro (dont have a other program) and i there i just made 3 layers. One white, one with the pic & a other with a structure and put a mask over it. So this came out of it. (are you a bit clear to you?) I've dont get it just PM me!!

Thanks you for liking it. I am so happy with it myself.
Great wallpapers again. you all never sit still, isn't it? Always have great ideas in your heads.. I am happy to see that .. ;) ;)
csisenna i will pm you pic's very soon, still trying to get these challenge walls done, major block on, really strugling,thanx lmh and csisenna in advance, i will get them there :)
Ceri...I found two sexy pics. but we can't show you as it will be a surprise. I've already sent the poem to Senna. Take care, and we will hope you like it. :) :) :) LMH
ooooooo thanks linda, im so excited, i cant wait, and im sure that im gonna love it, as you are both so talented :D
well i finally put my walls in for the challenge now, lost all inspiration, thought that i put the two that i want happy with, as i havent posted a wall for a few days :D

Okay so these are my first two walls. And I chose to do them of Emily cause she's just to gorgeous. They are kinda sucky-ish.

ThatGirl, love your Em-Walls.

Pssssttttt Mitz, get closer .... a bit more .... Not too close .... your nose is on the screen :devil:
Flack is here for you and did LMH choose a hot pic :p. Enjoy girl. :lol:

ohhhh guys, you are just the best, thank you thank you thank you, it is now my desktop wallpaper, for me to drool to my hearts content...you guys are the best :D :cool:that was such a lovely veiw to wake up to.

thatgirl thosewalls are great :)
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