Wallpaper Thread #6

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Katpin, those look great. Me like very much!

LuvingMyHoratio and I worked together on this wall-poem. This is what the two of us came up with. :devil:

katpin...those are fantastic..i love them :D
csisenna...i think you both done a fantastic job :D
none from me today, as im on afternoons off nights but hopefully i will have one up tomorrow :)
Thanks you guys. Glad ya like my C/S walls. CSISenna love the wall & ya did great on the poem. None from me at the moment. Trying to get wp's done for the challenge. Got one done & lost inspiration so trying to get it back.

Well..................I did manage to do one. Sorry if it's a re-post on the pics but I like them alot. :lol:

Lot of great wallpapers Again.. You are all such great artists.. (maybe write that wrong, sorry for it)...

Mitzi: Those Flack ones are great and thoughing..
Ericandgeorge: Love your first Eric one, pretty colours..
Fallenthrough: *tears* beautiful, what more can i say.
CSISenna: Your so in love with Mac :p Really love the ones you made ..
Katpin: Sweet ones of Calleigh & Speed, love the lyrics also in it. And about the H & Yelina one that one is perfect.. Perfect couple..

Here is my atempt, made a calander wall, its a bit late i know but i had a creative mood tonight..
Berylla Nienna, I really love the colors and the picture you used for the calander. I really, really like the over lay. Could you please explain how you did that? Thanks! :)
First -great job everyone!!
2nd - I cannot believe I posted that wallpaper of Greg working in the lab and then the next day that theme came out. Serves me right - doesn't it. I should have known better. At least it was good blending practice.
csi fan us - snag whatever you want of mine! Love it when they get used!!
Mitzi Loved the Flack and the Mac Flack walls I snagged them. I just loved them together in season 3 so I hope you will do more with these two.

fallenthrough Great Flack wall snagged it as well.

CSISennaLove the Gary Sinise and Mac walls ...you know I am going to snag them :D :D
CSISenna love the wall & ya did great on the poem.

Katpin..I'm glad you liked the poem... I do take requests, if there is a certain poem you'd like for one of your walls just let me know.

LMH :)
katpin i love your h/y wall
bn really great idea and lovely work
eandg i love your greg wall
fruitbat, i see wot i can do :lol:
arggggggggg im having poblems coming up with the right choice for the challenge, ive done two nowand i still aint happy with them :( so hopefully if it goes well now i have a wallpaper for you later :lol:
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