I've made a couple of new ones too: one shippy and one just for fun! There based on the latest UK episode Lab Rats and use caps from Beyond Imagination:
Wendy/Hodges wall: Everything used provided by Moments Misplaced. Lyrics from "Grace Kelly" by Mika
OMG csi_fan_uk I love that Wendy/Hodges one! And those lyrics are from a song I'm using for a Hodges video :lol: I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks of him in regards to that song
ive been trying different techniques to wot i usually do,(thanks csi-fan-uk for tutorial link )Anyway heres one that ive done up of flack, hope you all like it, really useless though on thinkin up good quotes.... i dont know where you come up with the ideas from http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/b4f602a549.jpg
Just a couple of points though.... The first one is a bit plain, I know.... I can't figure out how to put my text on it without it looking srupid and the 2nd one is not Horatio and Calleigh (unfortunately) But it is a manipulation of Calleigh and John Kelly from NYPD Blue. Manip was by Hcrazy (you go girl! )