Re: Wallpaper Challenge #18: Lab Techs ~ Now Up!
Great minds think alike! I like that idea so much that I've actually already got a similar theme on my list :lol: It's coming up, but not this time, so y'all will just have to wait

And in case anyone is interested, you can always make suggestions. I can't guaruntee I'll get to it right away, but it'll go on my list. It usually just depends on my mood, and I often change my mind at the last minute
Wallpaper Challenge #18: Lab Techs
This one is pretty straight forward. I want lab techs. Now, this doesn't mean CSI's in the lab, they have to be actual techs. It doesn't matter how many times we've seen them, or if they're still on the show. You may have as many or as few as you like in one wallpaper.
And because I know it's going to come up, Greg is allowed
if you use caps from before he became a CSI.
[1] The deadline will be
Saturday, October 20th, 6pm GMT
[2] Everyone is welcome to enter!
[3] You may enter up to 3 wallpapers. Any and all CSI shows!
[4] Please PM your entries to me,
DragonflyDreamer. Please include the challenge number in the subject line, and somewhere in the pm please state if you would like to be in
Beginners, Intermediate, or Advanced. If you are unsure which category to enter, check out the guidelines
here There is also the new "In Which Category Do I Belong?" thread. Any further questions feel free to ask!
[5] This is an anonymous challenge. That means you may not post your wallpaper anywhere until the challenge is over, if you do you will be disqualified.
[6] Recomended size is 800x600, feel free to make it larger if you must, but remember that it may stretch some screens and it will take longer to load, which is annoying.
[7] No Animations, please.
[8] As always, and most importantly, Be creative and Have Fun!