Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

hehe. id say 38 :) wallace is 42, according to you sidler (before you even started posting here you told me that :p) but david looks about 38. he definately is hot :)
MEOW. only problem is, harry has seen him and does not accept him in the cat family. sidler, you are a different story though :p
as mia charlize said, gay untill proved otherwise, harry says: cat till proved otherwise. he does sit quietly whenever david is onscreen :D
Re: David Hodges

I talked to you about Wallace before I even started posting here? No recollection whatsoever! Then again I AM a goldfish. :p Maybe the lab techs like Jaqui, Archie and Bobby will throw David a b-day party in one of the upcoming episodes so we'll know how old David really is. Unless of course they just stick in 2 candles into the cake and make no mention of his age. I expect to see 38 candles there! :p Why doesnt Harry accept David into the cat family but me? Is it the hair? The snark? But david is WAYY snarkier than me (am I snarky at all?) so he gotta be a cat! Ask Harry to reconsider. ;)

Talking about the lab techs made me think of SuperDave. I know there's no link. I'm weird like that. Anyway, has David EVER talked to SuperDave? He's damn sarcastic and SD is so timid... hilarious combo. :lol:
Re: David Hodges

you know my opinion of the david and superdave interreaction, no? i think that superdave runs from him. that david doesnt do it on purpose, but manages to upset superdave. maybe even make him cry. he doesnt do it on purpose, its just how he is.

sidler, we talked about david for months before you started posting here, and we have long established the fact that you are a goldfish. you googles wallace and told me that he is 42 and was once arrested for assaulting a papparazzi or something like that. and that he is married a second time, and has a couple kids. i know that only from you :p

as for harry, he has seen david and has never seen you. he thinks that everyone except for my fammily and my close friends here (who he has seen because they visit) are cats.
he thinks that my aunt is a cat. dont take it personally :lol:
he loves david. seriously. my cat has taste!
Re: David Hodges

I almost forgot about this thread... *is ashamed*

They showed Rashorama here this monday, and now I'm pretty upset. Grissom was MEAN to David. And I didn't like that.

David as a cat = perfect. But I think he would be some kind of big cat. Maybe a cougar...? A loner, pretty thin, beautiful overall, can be dangerous. I think if someone pressed him, and he would become angry, that other person would be in serious trouble. But still, not quite a cougar..
Any suggestions?

Oh, and Pabzi? Have you stopped asking the "Do you think Hodges is gay?"-question? :p ;)
Re: David Hodges

Dinaria said:
Oh, and Pabzi? Have you stopped asking the "Do you think Hodges is gay?"-question? :p ;)
Nope. But now there's someone who joined the club :p

And yes, Hodges is very feline.
Re: David Hodges

MiaCharlize said:
That was from "Committed", the one with the guy who was killed in the mental health institution.

BTW: Yay for Hodges Lovin', can't believe I've never posted here, I love that guy :D


I love your icons!!!
Re: David Hodges

the reaon that i havent asked wh\o thinks hes gay for a while is cause till recently, we were all more or less the same people here.]
now that there are many new people...lets do a vote. who thinks hes gay?
I DO!!!!!
Re: David Hodges

Dinaria said:
I almost forgot about this thread... *is ashamed*
Yeah, you should be ashamed of yourself! How could you?? Nah, we're forgiving. ;) David as a cougar? I saw a pic and that's one very fine animal! Do you by any chance know if cougars are snarky? If they are then thats definitely a David-type!

pabzi, you remember ALL that?? I told you that like what, 5, 6 months ago? Damn girl, your memory's awesome! Or mine just sucks. :lol:

Do I think David's gay? Do I like Sara? You know the answer. :p
Re: David Hodges

iu know your answers :p
i think that cougars are snarky. what cat is the snarkiest. harry has an attitude, but hes not exactly snarky, so david isnt a housecat :p
Re: David Hodges

Harry sounds like a cool pal. I agree on Hodges not being a housecat. Housecats are too average. And they're lazy, at least mine is.
Re: David Hodges

true. david is NOT average and NOT lazy. but harrys not lazy. hes a great pal. i also dont think that david is hyper like a houscat.
Re: David Hodges

since when? well harry is 5 months old, so maybe that explains it....
david is not hyper, thats for sure. hmm. what cat is snarky? i dont think that lions and tigers are, and i dont know much about cheetas, pumas, leopards, cugars....
hes a new species i think. a super snarky, likes to be alone,but good hearted cat :D
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