Wallace/Hodges: Full Experience #3

hmmmmmmmmmm....*ponders thought* maybe he is one that needs to know the exact reasoning behind the many theories of the world. One who wants to know the "who, what, how and whys" to all the questions.*wonders if DJ is making sense...lol*

like a friend of mine is the super inquizitive type, tryin to figure things out, it's her type of personality,where as me, I don't bother with it, I let things be as they are because that is the type of personality I have, the more laid back sort

*wishes DJ knew how to explain it better* :)
i thin khe chose sciences because he was good at it and it's not everybody that is good at that. so he perharps feels better about himslef...you know self esteem!!
*pants as in out of breath* I'm here! I have been SO busy, but I always check in on our David/Hodges thread. Where's the love? Right here, darling, right here. *beckons Wallace nearer with her finger*

Honestly, it's been a whirlwind and yes, I have been lurking elsewhere.....so where is everyone else?

Welcome new ones to the David/Hodges thread! *passes out glasses of champagne*
I would have to agree with you HA47...lol, people must be bust with exams and that silly thing called "Life". I know I am lurking about...but not on as frequently as I once was, especially since the season is over...oh well, its great to see you
DJRideout said:
I would have to agree with you HA47...lol, people must be bust with exams and that silly thing called "Life". I know I am lurking about...but not on as frequently as I once was, especially since the season is over...oh well, its great to see you
i think most of the treads are quiet since the season is finished...but have no fear....we are all still around...and waiting for more Hodgeness to happen
LOL.....but all the present "HODGENESS", is all in reruns! not that, that is a bad thing, cause I will watch him over and over and over and.....well, you get the drift, I wanna see some NEW stuff though.......*tries to speed up time for season 8 to start*

but here is something fairly new


as much as i want to see new csi stuff and not reruns...can we please have a little bit of summer still??

i know you want new Wally but i want a vacation...
but maryse........unlike you...I am having wally withdraws! I need to see new hodges in new eppy in new season... :lol:
DJRideout said:
but maryse........unlike you...I am having wally withdraws! I need to see new hodges in new eppy in new season... :lol:

i am havinh withdraws too you know...just not the same kind as you :D
The blushes one is adorable. Speaking of blushes...*blushes* Cause I've been in lurking land...When the season gets closer I'll be here more, I promise.
I'm in David withdrawal. Since Iv'e been watching my DVDs in order, and with the little time that I have, I'm still on S2, but soon I'll rewatch all the old David eps :)
I watched Lab rats again last night!! (i have the epie :)) DH is soooo adorable in this one!!! :D (And the soundtrack is great :) ) Do you see anything romantic happening with the dna girl? :rolleyes: ;) :p (what's her name again??)
Haven't been here in a while but I decided to stop by again. :)
First off, Hormiga, those icons are soo cool, I love them :D

As for the DNA girl, don't know whether you mean Mandy or Wendy but I don't see anything happening with either of them, except a friendly working relationship maybe. I really liked that episode, was nice to see so much of the lab techs and their work dynamics. I'd really like an ep like that in season 8 again.
was nice to see so much of the lab techs and their work dynamics. I'd really like an ep like that in season 8 again.

I agree...though we haven't seen them all, well almost all of them together in the same scene before labrats, they seemed to look and act comfortable together, and, to me anyway, I got the real group/bonding/click feeling from it. does that make sense?? :lol:

anyway, like PABZI, I've been tryin' to feed my lack-of-hodges rut by watching SPIKE and the shows different seasons....lol, "I like to Watch" was on spike last night, and every time I watch it, I crack up at HODGES our camera/glory whore......LOL. he is just so amusing!

Has anyone heard if Wally is back for season 8?? Cause I don't think anyone else in the lab can step up and fill the gap, if its decided he is not to return.....but I can't see THAT happening....well, it better not!!!

*crosses fingers

How's the summer going for everyone?? We've all survived a third of the wait for season 8