Veronica mars

Hehe. I'm not saying it's a bad thing - it's just I'm surprised especially because of some of the things Logan has done/women he has slept with and yet the vast majority of VM fans still think he deserves Veronica.

He is very sweet to her when they are actually dating, it's just the stuff he does when they're not together.
I just hope they don't pull another season 2 opener and have Veronica dump Logan almost immediately! :eek:

Seriously, the guy is hilarious and matches witty comments with Veronica line for line. He's just so much more interesting than that other guy ever was.
Thanks Sandles21! I'm figuring I can get it before work...the day will go great knowing what I have waiting for me in the car! lol
I watch Veronica Mars too---have since the beginning---the whole year the first year, sporatically the second though.

It got a little too dark for me last season so I mainly listened to the show eppy's I wanted to listen too and forgot the rest.

Me, my favorite characters are Weevil first. The reason is that this was a character that I disliked and then loved, in the first eppy. If he hadn't been there in the pilot, I would have just left the show behind---as weird as that sounds. There's just something about a guy who is dark and dangerous and yet has this ability to honor women and help V, whenever she needs it. And the verbal judo between the two---makes me want to cry and smile at the same time. : ) I love their friendship----just as much as I enjoy the snark and possible friendship between him and Logan. They say V can save Logan---I think that Weevil could be a big help too. : )

Second favorite turns out to be Lamb---just because of getting to know the actor better through online friends who have met him, talking to him over at a forum talk, etc. Michael is incredible. That and the character intrigues me too. You never know what to expect from him.

Okay----don't hate me and I have very personal reasons why I don't, but I really don't care for Logan. I like Jason (because of the extremes I'm heard from people who either like or dislike Logan, that makes him an incredible actor in my books) and I feel bad for Logan, but for very personal reasons (if you want to know them just send me a personal message on this site), well, more for you guys to love.

I do like his snarky attitude though---just not the character as a whole. And since I'm a non-shipper on teen shows (my muse is the shipper in fanfic and it's WeeVer and LoMac for her---so she must like Logan too as the snark mobile <g>)and would love them all to just be friends, I don't ship anybody with anybody on the show. It's just a quirk of mine---you still like me, right?
My favorite characters go in this order:
1. Veronica
2. Logan
3. Wallace
and then 4. Weevil.

The person that I just don't care about is Duncan. There's something weird about him, and I don't know exactly why but I just hate him!
Oops, guess I better put mine in too---beyond the Weevil/Sheriff Lamb:

Okay---including the big two I love:

Weevil, Sheriff Lamb, Veronica, Keith, Mac, and Wallace.

Okay, I'll admit it---I like Logan once in a while (usually when he's interacting with Weevil and being snarky with Veronica---in other words, he rocks as a potential friend to both) and I do feel bad for him. But other than that, because of a past I can't get into dealing with a character like him, he rubs me the wrong way at times.

I always find the secondary characters more appealing for some odd reason. Which is why I find it odd at first to have Veronica and Keith on the list until I think, I love them because of their interaction with the secondary characters. That makes some sense, right?
I really love all the characters. I am really hoping that the making of Mac as a full time character goes smoothly. My fav is Veronica, followed closely by Logan. But I truly love them all.