Well, it looks like they're possibly going to pull an Angel with Veronica Mars. We'll flash forward 4 years in time, possibly, with Kristen Bell FINALLY playing her own age, as a rookie FBI Agent. Too cool if it does happen!!!!
No. This is talking about season 4. There won't be a new episode until April or May. The CW has once again mulled over cancelling VM, but Rob Thomas has proposed moving the series forward 4 or 5 years to when Veronica Mars is a Rookie FBI agent as a retooling of the show, kind of like they did with Angel when they moved him to "Wolfram and Hart"...
OK, so can anyone answer this: This show has been cancelled, correct? So does that mean the 2 hour finale for the season was the last one? So we'll never have resolution? Or will they be airing a couple episodes to wrap things up properly for us?
From what I have read and heard from some fan sources, Rob Thomas is trying to pitch "Veronica Mars: FBI" to the CW and to Fox, with the intention having a new series 5 years later with her as a rookie FBI agent and resolving the remaining plot threads. No word as yet on what TPTB will do, however.
We may not have always agreed on certain plot points, but we are all Martians here in this thread and we all want to see our favorite hot, wisecracking, smart, strong girl back on TV come fall!
OK, sorry to be repetitive, but just for the record, nobody has heard about any episodes airing... say, in the summer or something, that at least finish up, or resolve the issues from the finale?
I just feel a little unsatisfied with how they left things, obviously!
This summer--nope. They're just rerunning the eps from the current season when they have space for it. Tuesday night, they re-showed the epsiode where Piz had his car broken into...