Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

You do know that I've kidnapped Vartann and I'm NOT giving him back.. or you could just do what I do. threaten them or kidnap them it always works :)

Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

*I'll get you, you know I will* ;) :p

So threaten them.. Interesting... Not sure if that would work to bring Vartann back, it's worth a try. ;)

Maybe Cath can convince Brass or something ... :)

As long as he come back to her
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

And if he does come back (ok, more like when) ;)

Again, what would they do? Where would they go? and how do you think he would explain his absense?

I think they would go out to dinner, maybe to a movie or sit at home and watch a movie... something like that.
Although Cath is a very social person, I don't think she is the type to hang around a club... at least not any more :eek:

Vartann seems like he would be happy at home too. I don't see him going to a club either.
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

This new fic I'm writing, I've been exploring a possible reason for his absence. It's Cath/Vartann, of course. ;) Hopefully, I can have a little time to work on it tonight. I would like to have some real direction and most of it completed before I share.

Anywho, if Vartann were to come back and explain his absence, the easiest would be he was transferred or something, then was transferred back. *shrugs* Simple, I know. Probably too easy, but what do I care why he was gone, just as long as he returns. ;)

I still think Vartann was the one detective Cath got along with really well, compared to others. They clicked. It would be great to see that again, but I still have DVDs to look back on. :D
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

They did click, that's what made them fun to watch.

They are also both hot. :devil:

I think Vartann is mysterious but not so aloof that he can't say what he's thinking, well not to Cath anyway.
He just puts up a smart-ass demeanor

That's my opinion anyway

Hey as long as he comes back to her... ;)
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

I got this idea from another thread..

If they were to go away together, where would Cath and Tony go? She said she has never been to New York but somehow I don't see HIM going there. Maybe for her, he would.

I see the Coast, the Oregon Coast or the Californai Coast. It's very romantic. ;)

Anywhere they are together I think they would have a good time...
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

Oh come on. Let's face it. Beaches and open sea air. The Bahamas, perhaps. Florida. California works too. Any place with a beach really.

Gotta be a beach. :devil: :D

There's some serious fanfic material there too. hahaha
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

*points at you edog :lol:

I remember Cath saying that she has never been to either New York or Egypt. I know they wouldn't go that far but I thought maybe Paris, the city not the Casino ;)

After all, it is the city of LOVE :)
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

*dodges pointing finger*

What? A beach would be fun. :lol:

Hm, out of the country is a bit of stretch though. Cath seems to enjoy Vegas and for most of her life, has seemed fairly content staying there. Still that's one of the main points of vacations, no? To get somewhere you've never been? Relaxing, chillaxing, getting some sun. Seems like a good way for Cath and Vartann to spend their time.
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

A beach would be good.. a small cabin to come back to after spending time on the beach.. Yes, I like that too :)

And for those of you who have seen The Mermaid Chair (Alex is without a shirt in several scenes ;) ) one can imagine him on the beach without a shirt too ;)

I just chose Paris because, I think, Cath would like to go there some day, and why not go with the one you love??
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'


More of the HOT couple... :)
edog had the though that 'hot couples meditate'
I wonder if they would go on a 'spa retreat' somewhere or massage each other .... :devil: ;)
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

Oh my my my. Naughty, naughty! :devil:

Seriously, if I were better at writing fluff, I'd start penning this vacation themed fic right now. Maybe I should give it a try anyway. . . :p
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

*it's your fault* ^^^ :lol: got the idea already...
Romantic getaway to the coast, the beach, Hawaii (full of beaches and romantic spots)

ok, with our without Lindsey.... ???
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

I can see either one.

With Lindsey, you get this sense of a complete family.

Without Lindsey, you get a much more romantic, carefree getaway. :devil: ;)
Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl'

I like the family idea. Maybe DisneyLand??? Cath said in one episode ( I forget atm :eek: ) about going to DisneyLand or that Lily and Sam were going to take Lindsey.

Ok, I'm not sure Vartann would do well there... but it's a family thing too. I guess Lindsey might be a little old.

Back to the beach theme... ;)
Maybe they could all go away once together as a 'family' then Cath and Tony could go away just the two of them ;)