There are times like this that I'm not proud to be a Canadian. I don't think there is any need to gloat here about the number of Gold Medals Canada won. Sure we won 14 Gold Medals but myfuturecsi you must remember that the United States took the overall Medal count.
And I hope that for my American friends you do realize that we're not all like this.
I'd say something very rude right back to you Jacquie, but I won't bother. Some people are not worth my time.
And while I'm sorry some people took offense to my patriotism, I'm not sorry for feeling it.
What you said to a mod hasn't anything to do with patriotism.
It has to do with this board, Misc and your icansaywhatiwant attitude towards mods or other posters.
You could have said "sorry if I offended" and explained but no, you have to go to post this little remark towards another poster (I mean, if it was said by not-a-mod poster, it would have been the same)
I think you've been warned quite many times and looks like attitude hasn't changed, and when (it's when with this attitude) the day comes that BAN knocks your usernamedoor, don't be surprised.
We are patient mods, but even it will end in some point...