Ups and Downs for the Day

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Up: Scrubs is back on tonight because the olympics are over :D
Down: Math class. I mean when am I going to use polar graphs in the real world? :rolleyes:
Up: 2 for 1 on my favourite shower gel, so I brought loads! :lol:

Down: The sandwich bar next to my office is closing down tomorrow. :(
Up: Getting an A for my chemistry GCSE mocks! :D I was so freaking nervous about it, I took day offs when I had chemistry lessons incase they were given out. :lol:

Down: Going to school. :p
Up: Passed my Biochem subjects...Yipee!
Down: Had fever in school...don't know why
I read about new alcohol policy our government is creating... I don't care but one point pisses me off!

"Beer price shouldn't change if it's sold in 1 bottle, 6 pack or 12pack. So Special offers for 6pack and 12pack wouldn't be possible anymore. Reason: So cheaper price wouldn't encourage people to buy those because 'it's cheap"

GUess who is biggest party? My party. Friggin Centre Party! Damn non-alcohol-using ministers in government! THey can kiss my pale Finnish ass!

I don't care about other rules... like beer/cider cannot be sold before 9am or that liquer stores couldn't be open to 8pm etc.
Up: Today was a bring a stuffed animal to school day. So I brought my super cool Jack-Rabbit stuffed animal that I've had since like 2nd grade (his name is Jack of course! I know I'm so original :lol:) and so the leadership teacher saw me with him and I won the spirit day contest and so did my best friend Cameron (he had a stuffed red crayon that was huge!) So we both won free five dollar lunches :D

down: I'm pretty sure I failed my math quiz. I skipped a couple of the homework assignments and didn't remember a bunch of the formulas.
Up: I made a bunch of Jorja/Sara icons and they turned out pretty well, :D

Down: I found out the guy I REALLY REALLY LIKE has a girlfriend, and she's someone I know, and she's REALLY nice. So I can't even resent her for it...
Awww. I'm sorry MadGeorge! ;___;
That's such a dinger!

Up: I spent my whole Art class chatting with Cori about why Hollywood is practically interbreed. Plus I got to go home early because my Math teacher is nice like that.

Down: I didn't finish my photo's in Comm Tech so i have to go in the scary darkroom by myself Monday. With the fumes that kill. Uuunn.
Down: Our oldest cow died today. She was going away anyways but... yeah. she was special.

Up: It's Saturday!
Up: *finally* after 3 months, I've finished my science competition entry! Whoohooo!! :D (I'd better win it. *grumbles*).

Down: My grandma is still in hospital. She's now been in there over a week, and she has to have triple by-pass heart surgery next week :(

Ducky - sorry to hear about your moo :(
Sorry to hear about your cow Ducky. :( Also sorry to hear about your grandma wibble. :( I hope her surgery goes well.

Up - My new bed was delivered this morning. Only been waiting 2 months for it! :rolleyes:

Down - Working today, It sucks working on a Saturday.
Sorry to hear about your grandma, wibbsy. I hope everything goes well.

Another Up for the day: I bought Amorphis' newest album :D
It kicks ass

'Bout my moo. I was planning to brush her one more time before she goes but she went two days early. She was our first black&white and when she was little I used to take her outside with a rope and walked with her around the farm.
I know it sounds stupid becuase it's "just a cow" but a few of them are as dear as my cats to me.
Aww..loving cows are not stupid! They're so freaking cute! :) Not cute as sheep though. :p

Up: Getting a school bag! Finally, now my books wont be falling out of my bag. :p

Down: Wasting three hours of my life shopping, trying to find a school bag. :p ....I hate shopping!
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