Ups and Downs for the Day

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cofi_shot said:
Up: I got so much energy right now to do my thesis!

Down: I'm stuck! I have no idea on what to do next. *cries*
Oh no!! That sounds too familiar.. I'm working on my thesis too... or actually:

Up: I finally got my taxes and bookkeeping done and in order


Down: That didn't give me much time to work on my thesis today :(
Down: Getting used to major med passes that takes me 5 hours to complete.

Up: Sleeping for 12 hours and not feeling all that bad about it!
Up: I'm home alone without roommates yelling at me because I'm not dressed or something stupid like that

Down: People are pissed off that I got my English teacher suspended or maybe fired SO THEY WON'T STOP CALLING ME!!
DaWacko said:
I know it sounds stupid becuase it's "just a cow" but a few of them are as dear as my cats to me.

Yeah, it might have been just a cow, but it was YOUR cow! People are always ragging on people for being upset that their animals die. It's easy to say that to someone when your cat hasn't died. Not that mine did...phew.

Down: I was at work, out at the customer service center, checking some guy's lottery ticket, and he was on his cell phone, completely ignoring me, and then at the end he yelled at me because I ripped up his loser ticket and threw it away. !#(%)*!#)(%*!@@$@#$@#)($*@!!!!! Maybe if you weren't talking on the phone, buddy, you would have realized when I asked if you wanted to play again!

Up: I don't have to work tomorrow, so I can work on that assignment that's due on Monday. that really an up?
beautiful_loser said:
Down: I was at work, out at the customer service center, checking some guy's lottery ticket, and he was on his cell phone, completely ignoring me, and then at the end he yelled at me because I ripped up his loser ticket and threw it away. !#(%)*!#)(%*!@@$@#$@#)($*@!!!!! Maybe if you weren't talking on the phone, buddy, you would have realized when I asked if you wanted to play again!

Yeah, and then there's that whole "The Customer is always right" syndrome that people throw at you. I think a NOT! People and their cell phones. Their addicted! :rolleyes:

Up: I finally freaking got the Coldplay X&Y CD. I'm such a loser but I wanted it ever since it came out. And I saw the cat I'm trying to tame, Skittles, today.

Down: I fell of my treadmill when I was trying to reach over and pull a towel off a shelf because my Dad needed it. ;___;
up: i hung out with my best-est guy friend/ ex crush and had a blast
down: i had to see my best female friend get her flirt on...its not cute.
Down: Our place will be full of kids today! *sobs* I hate kids *sobs*
Why on EARTH the only hill in this village have to be in our yard! *cries*

I feel like breaking their sledges....

Up: SUNDAY! WOO WOO! Tho it is going bit down because of those kids I earlier mentioned.
Up: The snow has cleared :D

Down: I seriously need to start on that presentation for tomorrow, but as always, I chose the hardest article to discuss... sooooo.. anyone knows what Adorno means by 'Committed art'?? :lol:
Up: It's 3 a.m. Sunday morning and I'm still at school, working in the print studio. This is the only time the studio would be empty and I don't have to fight for the space with somebody else.

Down: It's 3 a.m. Sunday morning and I'm STILL at school, working in the print studio. I mess up so badly on my prints! I need help but I don't think my professor would be too happy to hear from me right now. Maybe i should clean up and go home to catch some sleep then come back to studio couple hours later...
Up: The snow has cleared :D
Well that was a mistake actually.. it had cleared from the window.. but when I took a look outside.. the snow is still there :(

Up: It's 3 a.m. Sunday morning and I'm still at school, working in the print studio. This is the only time the studio would be empty and I don't have to fight for the space with somebody else.
Ohhh I remember those days... spending my nights in the library because it was the only time of day that there was no queue in front of the copying machine.. really I hate waiting.
Ups: Playing football

Downs: Playing football :p I got yelled at so much by our coach today, for no reason at all.
I'm with you!!

Up: We played and won today 2-0 against a team who hadn't lost at home this season :)

Downs: I have a shocking headache and placement starts tomorrow, scarey!
Up: Ahaha! I finally finished this picture I was working on!

Down: My brother stepped on the original so it's all crinkly.
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