Ups and Downs for the Day

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Miss_Undercover said:
Up: I grill today, because the weather is nice :)

me too Miss_Undercover ! :eek: :D

Up: picnic at lake ;)
Up: CSI Miami today
Up:alone at home again :lol:
up: i got beer! :D non-alcoholic :p

down: i feel sleepy right now..
down: my right foot hurts and i don't know why..
Down: so sad! :( Ill need food to cheer myself from the knockback of the match. IM SO SAD IM NEVER POSTING IN TEH FOOTBALL THREAD. :(
Don't be sad, Englad played well... and you've got this far...
*gives kazzy chocolate* :D

Down: My mother just call and told me my cousin died. He was such a nice old man.
Up: my writing muse is full-time working and it's very unusual of her. *proudly pats muse's head*

Down: Yesterday my whole family went to Prague without me, leaving me all alone here in Milan (you can't imagine how hot it is) with two cats and uncountable books I didn't even touch, even if on Tuesday I have my final exam. Duh.
Up: My sister called from the Netherlands, I've made plans for the next two weeks aaand I won't be lazing around the house anymore.

Down: Most of my plans for the next two weeks include my neurotic cousin who thinks that eating is a waste of time, and I haven't gotten anything accomplished in about a week.
Up: alone at home! :D
Up: CSI LV tonight

down: rally near my home, i can hear everything...Gee, what a noise :eek: :p
Up: I just traded a $750 computer for a $3500 computer... My dad found mine "cuter" and didn't need the power, so we switched them..

Down: I have one last test tomorrow, and I haven't stared learning yet...
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