Ups and Downs for the Day

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Up: I managed to get on here without getting caught at school :p

Down: Because the school is so stupid and I can't hide what's on the task bar I have to put a piece of paper over it!
Down: Im sad because I realised that my X-Files DVD is not good as I thought! :( Three episodes on the DVD box set is not the X-files but bloody CLIPS FROM DIFFERENT MOVIES. And the dude from the other day didnt GIVE me my reciept so I cant REFUND IT!. :mad:
Up: Won my first photo competition here at TalkCSI. So pleasantly surprised!

Down: The dreaded time has come for Casper's leaving... :(
Up: I have today off in Math so I can go and annoy Ashley. And I can't do anything in Comm Tech until my teacher gets back so I get to sit around doing nothing.

Down: Watching Jerry McGuire in Pop Culture, have a Final test tomorrow, and I look like a loser right now...
Up: My pain killers are working, i'm so happy!

Down: I have the week from hell for exams next week and I'm here instead of revising; not such a bright idea.
Up: I bought myself a lovely new top - a bit of retail therapy! :D

Down: being told that I am not going back to Scotland at all this year (which is where I am from) but my family will be loads of times - caused an argument
^Ohh I can kinda imagine how that would feel G_S! My down: not going to Ireland (where I always go to).. but then my brother decided to go.. arghh! :mad:

Up: Took great pics at the riverbank
Another down: I have an exam tomorrow.. and uhm.. yeah.. *looks at books* I still need to start studying.. :rolleyes: My teacher funnily calls it a 'quiz'.. she thought it was funny, but do you see me laughing?? :mad:
Golden_Smile said:

Down: being told that I am not going back to Scotland at all this year (which is where I am from)

Awww, I'm Northern Irish but I live in England, I never get to go home either. It really does suck, doesn't it?
This day just sucks. If it gets any better, by 6 tonight I should be rolling in glass.

So, all my downs for the day are as follows:

1) I have an ISU due next week and my English teacher gave us ANOTHER assignment, so now I have double the work to do.

2) Found out that I have no ride to MY PROM tommorrow night, since the girl who was driving me had a mood swing and decided not to.

3) I ran for co-head of my school's prefect society. I've been working towards being co-head for the past three years. I was the only one out of the three girls running who had a speech prepared, I was the only one who presented any kind of concrete ideas, and I was the only person who had been in the society for longer then a year. Three of my best friends who were supposed to come and vote for me decided that it wasn't important enough to them, and told me so to my face. One of the other girls running actually forgot about the election, whereas I had been eagerly awaiting the day for weeks. Of course, in the end, I lost. I lost the CO-HEAD job. Since there were only three people running, that means I was the only one who did lose. So I lost something I worked for three years for to two girls who joined less then a year ago and who had nothing prepared. It just sucked.

4) Then, out of F***ING PITY, the girls in the new exec shoved me in so they wouldn't feel guilty!!! They actually CREATED a position for me because they felt sorry for me!!! And they expect me to be happy. Like, I'm sorry, but I don't want to be the subject of their little pity party.

5) After school, even though it was pouring rain, my dad refused to get off his ass and give me a ride home. So I had to bike home in the rain and ended up falling over since I had a binder to carry, and I ruined my beautiful new skirt.

I just hope things improve before my prom, because after this day, I deserve a good one.
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