Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Up: I got to eat birthday cake because we went to my grandparents' house (it was my dad's birthday on Wednesday).
Down: I feel sick because I ate too much birthday cake.
Up: I got to go to Taekwon-Do class today.
Down: I'm sore because of Taekwon-Do.
Up: I finally mastered the really tricky part of a piano piece I'm playing.
Down: Clocks jump forward for me tonight, which means an hour less of sleep.
Up: My plans came together.
Down: Then they fell apart.
Down: I hate everything.
Up: No practice tomorrow.
Up: Game Monday.
Down: I'm for sure not playing.
Down: I pulled my hamstring.
Up: It's not a big stress, so i can still practice, just no games.
Up: I have 1 great friend.
Up: Umm, just had some fun with my sister :lol:
Down: What we did was wash laundry by hand, then ring it out one 1000 times, then hung it up to dry, but the clothes are still wet, so we put a bucket under them :lol:
Up: We still managed to make laundry fun
Down: Hands are so dry
Down: I'm tired.
Down: Not feeling so great.
Down: Gotta study Greek.
Down: School tomorrow.
Up: CSI tonight.
Down: I've eaten so much I've got a stomach ache :p
Up: I just seen my all-time favourite episode of Friends.
Up: New Marg thread in the LV forum! :D
Up: the next week will be short - only 3 school days :)
Up:CSI:Miami in the morning
Up:studied Phisic/Quemistry and understood the theory
Down:School again tomorrow
Down:Argument with my parents because of a ridiculous thing
Down:Have to do that Art project today
Up:listening to "that" music
Down: Tired today (Daylights Savings time change last night, so I missed an hour of sleep).
Down: Have to clean my bathroom today because we have company coming.
Up: Reading a really great book.
Up: Made some new banners and icons.
Up: My internet is fixed, yay! :D
Down: Don't understand these complicated biochemistry journal papers I have to read for work.
Up: wibbs is back!
Up: England beat France in the Six Nations Rugby.
Up: One of my favourite characters is due to return to CSI:Miami
Down: Spurs failed to beat Chelsea - but Berbatov did score!
^ hehe 10x for this info re Berbatov, no worry next game they will win and Mitko will score twice ;) *hugs* btw congratulation for Engladn Rugby team :D and not in last place welcome back wibbs :)

Down: was away for the weekend and miss new Sofia Milos spoiler
Down: i`m so so tired
Up: Survived my probation! Boss told me they were very very satisfied with me and that I was the best of the four people they hired last month. :D
Up: Got the loveliest presents.
Down: Work was very tiring. Very very tiring. You could call my birthday the 'Sh*t Sixteen', instead of 'Sweet Sixteen'. I had to clean goat crap all day.. wasn't that gross or something but very tiring.
Up: Did have fun cleaning :p
Up: Played on Webkinz all morning :lol:
Down: This Daylight Savings Time thing is making me mad!
Up: Listening to one of my favorite songs
Up: About to go listen to music
Down: Friend ditched me today
Down: Little cousin won't stop kicking me! It's irratating!
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