Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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wibble said:
Up: My internet is fixed, yay! :D

*huggles* You better not to do it again! (I mean lose your connection) :(
Tell your internetdudes that next time and angry duck will come and...kick their asses!
Up: the best day of the year!
Up: sun was shining the whole day
Up: i was outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather
Up: i ate the best ice cream ever
Up: my grandparents came to visit us
Up: my computer isn't malfunctioning anymore
Up: i'm working on a really great story

wow only ups today!!! how great :D
Up: It's CSI sunday.
Up: I did 10 miles on the exercise bike.
Up: It cheered me up.
Down: I'm tired.
Down: My friends still suck.
Up: CSI miami in the morning.
Up: Game tomorrow. :)
Up: It was really nice out.
Down: Daylight savings time made me lose sleep.
Down: My mom's angry that I didn't finish eating her pasta.
Up: It was warm again today.
Down: It's supposed to be cold again by the end of the week.
Up: Eight pages of my portfolio are done.
Down: Another 56 more to go.
Up: I fell in love on the seaside.
Down: I fell in love on the seaside.
Up: It was nice and warm today and I got to play in the water like a four year old.
Down: I lost at a card game.
Up: My DVD is out in two days.
Down: I'm still confuzzled about school.

- Andy
Up - Yay wibbs is back! :)
Up - It's an absolutely gorgeous day today.
Up - Fabulous Willy won crufts! :lol:

Down - I had to move a dead deer from the middle of the road last night. It was particularly upsetting because it was a baby. :(

Down - The past week has been so busy, I've not had time to do anything.
Up: Greek test was easy.
Up: I heard we're going to Germany in May with the two gymnasium classes. I'm so happy about that, since I don't like my new class at all and now I get to spend time with my friends again. :D
Up: The weather is awesome.
Up: CSI tonight.
Up: I'm happy.
Up: Listening to one of my favorite songs
Up: Have a class I like today
Down: Have a class I hate today
Down: I'm so tired
Up: Get to see sister on Friday :D
Down: Friday's so far away!
Up: Woke up at 12:30 this arvo.
Down: Had to do lots of uni work at home today.
Up: Tutoring session was fun, because teaching nominal and effective interest rates totally makes my life worth while... lol!
Down: It's been crazily hot today!
Up: I bought ice cream for my classmates today :D
Down: I don't have any money anymore, and I still have to buy a train ticket this weekend, something for my printer, and I have to pay the ticket to Disneyland.. :rolleyes:
Up: It's soo warm! :D I'm so looking forward to the summer. :cool: (I suddenly realised I never use that smiley, so here you go :p)
Up: I have all the presents I wanted except for just one.
Up: Had a really nice day.
Up: Grey's Anatomy and CSI today (I almost forgot that, and now that I just thought of it, it makes me even happier :D
Up: Life is good!! :cool:

Do you notice that everybody is (getting) cheerful when the sun shines? :cool: :cool: :cool:
Up: I have the day off today
Up: So does the husband so we went out for a nice lunch
Down: I stupidly checked my emails, so now I know I have lots to do at work tomorrow :(
Lizzy_004 said:
Up: I bought ice cream for my classmates today :D
Down: I don't have any money anymore, and I still have to buy a train ticket this weekend, something for my printer, and I have to pay the ticket to Disneyland.. :rolleyes:
Up: It's soo warm! :D I'm so looking forward to the summer. :cool: (I suddenly realised I never use that smiley, so here you go :p)
Up: I have all the presents I wanted except for just one.
Up: Had a really nice day.
Up: Grey's Anatomy and CSI today (I almost forgot that, and now that I just thought of it, it makes me even happier :D
Up: Life is good!! :cool:

Do you notice that everybody is (getting) cheerful when the sun shines? :cool: :cool: :cool:

Yay, it seems like we're both in the same mood. Sunshine can make me so happy. :D

Up: Just practiced 'Tuesday Morning' on guitar. It went better already.
Up: CSI tonight.
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