Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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TallyHo said:
Lucy said:
Up: Liverpool have avoided Chelsea and Man Utd in the Quarter Finals of the Champions League. *phew*

Up: It's Friday! :D

lol. Bingo! You beat me to it (er, substitute "Liverpool" for "United"! :D

But wouldn't that have been great so we'd seen how ManU kicks some Liverpool's ass ;)
up: it's finally friday
up: only one short class this morning
up: going to a jean sale
up: going skating with my little sister
up: it's beautiful outside and I can wear sandals!!
Up: Handed in my history project. Relief, relief.
Down: No ER last night. Damnit.
Up: It's weekend.
Up: CSI tonight. :D
Up: weekend!!! Yay :D
Up: I'm happy
Up: listening to good music
Up: Had a very nice evening yesterday :D
Up: I'm so motivated

Down: school was a little bit boring and useless
Down: it's raining :(
Up: Went shopping today (again).
Up: Had so much fun with my friend.
Down: I spent too much money (esp on food :lol:)
Up: Had this funny quote only the Dutch will understand:

*friend walks towards the school, all wet because of the rain*
Roos: "hahaha Suzanne is bezopen!" (Suzanne is drunk)
Friend: "What?"
Roos: "Uh ik bedoelde verzopen" (uh, I meant all wet).

Stupidest thing ever :lol:
Up: I'm at my best friend's house. It's her b'day :)
Up: I got the mail I've been waiting on for two weeks!
Down: It made me cry, so sweet..
LOL Roos, learn your Dutch :p

Up or Down, not sure yet: I'm going to dinner with the people from my work in an hour. We'll see how that goes...
Down: still feeling down bout my results
Up: My form tutor whose also my maths teacher has given me like 10 pep talks about it so i kinda felt better
Down: just been grounded coz i wouldnt move the car coz i was busy fixing something
Up: Soooo nice out today :D
Down: Everything's melting.
Up: Went shopping
Down: Rolled up the Rim, but didn't win anything
Up: Had a nice walk
Down: Got home to find the dogs had gotten into some chocolate (don't know where it came from), and it will probably make them sick.
Up: had the funniest day in a very long time
Up: i'm not tired anymore
Down: the weather today just sucked!
Up: went out for dinner
Up:I feel great about today's gym class.
Down:I fell over during that really stupid thing, believe me.
Up:It's Friday!
Down: I just forget to look at the watch and missed tonight's ER episode.
Up:I will be able to see it tomorrow, anyway.
Down:I have extra Art's work to do in this weekend.
Up:I had a good mark in my Science test and the Maths test went well, at least I think so!
Up: Easy Practice
Down: I'm off on my singles game.
Up: I ran 8 miles after practice today.
Up: Team date tomorrow.
Up: Party with the best friends tomorrow night.
Up: Later Practice.
Down: I'm going to be sore tomorrow.
Down: I'm broke.
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