Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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down: it's monday
down: i'm tired
down: i'm hungry
down: daylight savings screwed us all up :lol:
up: self defense today, we get to use handcuffs this time!!
up: no homework
down: my apartment is a mess :D
Aww...*huggles Tink, Luce and Ducky* :) I'll try not to leave you all again.

Up: Pan's Labyrinth out on dvd :D
Down: Work was dull, and looks like it might be until Thursday.
Up: Sooo nice out today :)
Up: Went for a walk with no jacket on :D
Up: While on my walk, I *somehow* ended up at the mall (whistles innocently)
Up: Bought new pants... one size smaller again :)
Up: They were on sale
Undecided: I bought a skirt. I never wear skirts. Darn impulse buys
Down: Spent way too much money today
Up: Made dessert
Down: Have to wait to eat it
Up: I'm just in an overall good mood.
Up: Got my winners banner for the banner challenge (Thanks Laura!)
Up: Got 100% on my Math test.
Up: My English teacher said she loved my story that I wrote for an exam.
Down: I have Taekwon-Do today, and it's going to be super tough.
Down: My piano lesson is on Wednesday and I still have a long way to go on one of my pieces.
Down: I have to clean my room.
Up: I'm happy anyway.
Up: Thank you Calihan and Dolphin for being nice.
Up: We won our match today.
Up: We had soo much fun on the bus.
Up: My team was a really good support system about mine and my best friends fight.
Down: So tired.
Up: I'm passing english.
Down: My gym team sucks.
Down: i jammed my finger.
Down: I'm out for 3 days.
Up: I have an appt. with the school doctor so i could possibly play before that.
Down: My day started off really bad.
Down: Still not talking to my best friends.
Up: Got to see my aunt tonight, and her and the rest of my family plus a couple friends and me spent a long time just chatting which was relaxing.
There were more ups than downs for me Today on March 12, 2007

Ups: It was warm enough that I could actually wear a sweater and I took my dog for a 3-hour long walk around town.

Down: There were filthy puddles all over the place from the melting snow. I had to wash the black furry monster of a dog off in the bathtub.

Up: Had a fun class in college tech math and I finally understood how to do factoring algebriac equations.

Up: A fun Psychology class with a cool teacher.

Down: Listening for more than an hour even in classes I like get's difficult after about a half an hour without a break.
Up: today was even better than yesterday
Up: sun was shining all day
Up: i did pretty good work
Up: have been creative and somehow surprised about that
Down: i'm tired
Down: my eyes are hurting and want to close :lol:
Up: I got some more work on my novel done

Down: One of my students hasn't read the book to do her assignment - and neither have I.
Up: Posted my new fic.
Up: CSI and Standoff were so awesome last night.
Down: I have to study and make my maths homework.
Up: Ballet class later.
SaraStar said:
Up: Posted my new fic.

omg, that reminds me :( where can I find the tiiiiiime??

Up: CSI and Standoff were so awesome last night.

Haven't watched it yet (CSI). I don't have time this week, so maybe Sunday :(

I can't believe art class got cancelled again! :eek: How do I get my work done now?
I can't believe my tape is coming off tonight :D YAY! They say it will hurt though.. :(
I can't believe I had again such a nice time at school.
Up: After many a chat with my amazing teacher im feeling better about my results
Up: sorted out my resit forms
Up: Had a good day today in general
Up: mum and dad gone on holiday so house to myself n sister
Down: i have a cold and a headache
Down: 3rd migraine in the same number of days
Down: Something has died inside one of our walls and the smell is unbearable (may explain the migraine)
Up: Off on a long weekend away on Friday
up: short day of classes
down: i'm tired
down: my apartment is still a mess :lol:
down: I can't decide what to make for dinner
up: no exam tomorrow
up: I get to play the 'Investigator' role in our mock court session tomorrow!
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