Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Up:CSI:Ny is on tonight.
Up:The new soap opera where my favorite actress is in is also on tonight.
Down:They are on at the same time, so I am going to have to choose. I'm going to watch the soap opera because...
Up:CSI:Ny repeats tomorrow and on saturday.
Up:Had so much fun today with my two baby cousins.
Down:I feel tired of listening to them all day long crying, and running and playing...Ufff!
up: nice and warm weather *sigh*
up: my dog get an op and dog can help him
down: my dog must overnight in clinic
down: i misse him
Down: I found out a guy I worked with passed away this weekend.
Down: I horribly failed a mid-term exercise that I worked sooo hard on.
Up: spending time with my family tonight.
Up: I got a nice postcard from my pen pal.
Up: I had a very tasty lunch. ^^
Down: I broke my little toe when I ran against the huge locker standing in the living room. :rolleyes:
Down: I got some backache when I got up this morning.
Up: American idol is on tonight!!
Up: I had fun in my classes today.
Up: this one guy that like never talks to me randomly started talking to me today, hes really funny!
Down: Im really sad now, for like no reason.
Up: Had a pretty goodish day today
Down: Tons of homework, my fault though, I left it 'til the last minute when I had 3 months to do it :lol: God I'm stupid
Up: We have yummy things that I can drink
Down: I'm hungry
Up: I'm going to make a veggie burger!
Down: If I don't cover the veggie burger in mustard ketchup etc. it tastes like a stick
Down: I don't want to do this homework!
Up: I might get to see my friend soon :D
Down: People from my school suck.
Down: Everyone but me is in Flordia.
Down: I got caught "train-hopping" today.
Down: I had to pay for my train ride.
Up: Today was really funny.
Up: Last night was a major blast!
Up: I learned to speak some serbian.
Down: Myspace is so lame.
Down: The people in my gym class annoy me. They're the people I have to be with most since I have lunch with them.
Down: I'm freezing cold.
Up: Upstairs is much warmer.
Up: Religion test was cancelled before I spent the time studying. :p
Up: I'm obsessed with The Academy Is...
Down: Re run of Criminal Minds tomorrow.
Up: I haven't see the re run. :p
Up: had such a beautiful sleep
Down: slept much too long
Up: tomorrow grandma-day
Down: she will annoy me :lol:
Down: i won't be able to sleep long tomorrow
Up: it was a wonderful day today
Hope you get better soon, AshleyWillows! ;)

Down: I didn't sleep last night because I had nightmares...
Down: I think I'm in a bad mod...
Up: I gots to watch House last night...and laugh extremly hard :D
Up: I didn't like, collapse and passout because I was so tired when I got up this morning
Down: Didn't finish assignment
Up: I can hand it in a day late and not be murdered! (hopefully)
Up: Listening to music
Down: Umm, on my start up bar, it has 3 internet explorer shortcuts, and I can't get rid of them!
Down: I don't want to do my assignment right now or tonight, but it kind of needs to get done.
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