Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Up: I got beer.
Up: I got coffee.
Up: Walked like 15 kms today. Felt good.
Down: Worked for like 9 hours (without even sitting down) yesterday.
Down: Test week starts tomorrow.
Down: I've been so busy the last weeks.
Down:No CSI today
Up:no classes tomorrow.
Down:Couldn't go to the electrical store.
Up:My sister could, and she is going to look for CSI game for me.
Down:Don't really have any plans for the holidays, and being without doing anything concrete for two weeks is too much...
Up:Well, at least is better than tests and homework.
Up:The show is on tonight again.
Up: The weather's awesome.
Down: Couldn't exactly enjoy it, except sitting on the balcony and study.
Down: This damned throat ache..
Up: Finally finished with everything for this weekend.
Up: It's still the weekend.
Down: Tomorrow's Monday. School. Yuck.
Up: I don't have that much homework left.
Down: I still have to do that bit of homework I do have left.
Up: Spring Break. :D
Down: I'm four lessons behind on math. :eek:
Up: No one's home.
Up: I was finally able to make some icons this week. :D
Down: Just heard some sad news from a friend.
Down: The circumstances surrounding the death of Bob Woolmer are so shocking. It really is so very sad and the appeal of the Cricket World Cup has diminished almost completely.
Up: I'm not working a full day tomorrow.
Up: Daylight saving means I have more time to contact a very good friend on YM for the next 6 months. An hour makes a big difference when they are on the other side of the world. :)
Up: It's sunny outside
Up: "House" marathon today
Up: I get to go to the bookstore
Up: new episodes of "The Dresden Files" and "Without A Trace" tonight
Down: have to take notes on 12 psychologists
Up: Cute outside.
Up: Last Night was fun.
Down: I overdid it on my body.
Down: My ankle and wrist = gone.
Up: No practice.
Down: I lost my phone.
Down: My mom's a jerk right now.
Up: Went shopping with my friend today
Up: I gots a black and white bouncy ball :lol:
Up: I found out the shoes I want are only 50 dollars not 60 :D
Up: It was just raining
Up: I like my hair
Down: The zipper on my favorite hoodie broke :(
Down: Friend and I are in a huge fight...yet again *sigh*
Down: My stomache kinda hurts
Up: Had an awesome sleep.
Down: It was too short. :lol:
Up: Spring Break this week!
Down: Lots of major projects due when I get back.
Up: Raised $300 for third world hunger by going 30 hours without food.
Down: Stomach hurts a bit as a result.
Up: It's a good day.
Down: i only slept for three hours
Up: i'm not tired though
Up: i have been sitting in the garden in the sun today
Up: reading a good book
Up: monday tomorrow and i can stay at home
Up: I don't have to go in to uni today
Down: Instead I have to write a 1200 word essay on "Where is the 'I' located in the body" for my Philosophy that's due on Wednesday :(

Up: The weather is cooling down! I'm so excited!
Down: I have sooo much uni work to catch up on because I've been so slack as of late...
Up: Didn't have much homework over the weekend.
Down: The weekend is over, and school's tomorrow.
Down: I still have to unpack since I neglected to do it and I've been home for a week.
Up: I might be going on a cruise with a friend again next march break.
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