Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Down: Barely slept last night because of my cough attacks.
Down: I'm still not better! Aaargh. :mad:
Up: The weather's great.
Down: Maths test tomorrow.
Awh Eva, I know how you feel:

Down: Only had two hours of sleep last night. Slept from 11 pm till 1 am.. worst night ever.
Down: So tired now.
Down: Have to study a lot for tomorrow.
Up: My Economics and Maths tests went very well, despite the two hours of sleep. Almost fell asleep during Maths though :lol:
Up: Disneyland was THE BEST :D :D (CSI_Dani, Space Mountain was rockin' :D)
Down: I'm really tired, because I was home at 2.30 this night, and I hardly slept in the bus because there wasn't any room to put my feet :p
Down: Slept only two hours Saturday night as well :/
Up: Still, had a great day, and only got tired when we were in the bus again, so not in the park.
Up: I was already off from school at 12 o'clock today :D
Up: I have no real homework.
Up: Testweek's coming up.
Up: The weather is awesome!
Up: no school anymore
Up: had a lot of fun last Friday
Up: good weather

Down: The "I can't believe" thread will be closed soon
Down: my stomach hurts
down: it's monday...blah.
up: 4 hour break between classes
up: it's beautiful outside
down: my tummy hurts
up: no tests this week
up: 19 days of classes left!
Down: My computer wouldn't start this morning!
Up: After 4 failed attempts, my 5th attempt to start my computer was successful!
Down: Then I couldn't get on MSN because it kept freezing
Up: Then I typed in the wrong password, then typed in the right one and finally got on!
Up: I am actually awake
Up: I got a phonecall from a friend this morning
Down: Considering she called me at 7:15 when I just woke up I didn't talk very long :lol:
Down: I gots a cold!
Down: Still in a fight with friend :(
Up: its actually sunny and kinda warm!
Up: won a prize in form class!
Up: chemistry assessment was cancelled!!!!
Up: i understand the binomial theory
Up: in maths revision i was asked to help people with work they were stuck on by my teacher!
Up: Going to a UCAS fair tomorrow so only 2 lessons!
todays been a gooden 4 me
Up: One more week of school left.
Down: Major project due next week and I'm still not finished it.
Down: Italian composition on Wednesday; I'm going to fail.
Down: I mixed up due dates in science, so now I've just bombed 5% of my final grade.
Up: I'll have plenty of time to study for my exams.
Up: I saw Canadian geese up close today; they didn't even waddle away when I walked past them! :lol:
Up: i'm confident that spring has finally arrived, concerning the weather ;)
Down: i overslept today
Up: today i got a movie i wanted to see for a long time
Down: haven't seen it yet
Up: finally got a message from a friend i haven't heard from in a long time
Up: only three weeks till my trip to turkey
Up: good day today.
Down: Some guy threw a peice of chewed gum at me.
Down: Guy in a class said i was as skinny as a whale.
Up: I realized after that he was kidding.
Up: Not fighting with friend anymore
Up: Things seem a lot better between us, aka, everything I say doesn't make her mad
Down: my hairs all like blah, curly!
Down: I gots a cold and its making me mad
Up: Found out that cathwillows and I have the same wallpaper on our computers. :lol:
Up: Made some money today by babysitting.
Up: The babysitting was unusually easy.
Up: I get to babysit twice more this week and make just as much money.
Up: I'm having good luck with my banner making today.
Up: 24 tonight.
Up: No piano lesson this week.
Down: Down? What's a down?
Down: Getting slightly stressed for school.
Down: So tired and I still have to study.
Up: Just had ballet class.
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