Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Up: It's Friday :D
Up: Hanging out with a friend today :)
Up: Getting hair dyed and cut possibly today, but probably tomororw
Down: My roommate bought and ipod and I'm jealous :lol:
Up: I decided I'm going to save up for an ipod shuffle. (My friend/roommate said they were poor people ipod, but I like them, they're small, and pretty...and cheap :p)
Up: Also saving up for polka dotted shoes
Up: Most likely going to "Warped Tour" this summer :D
Down: Summer seems so far away
Up: did some good work today
Up: finally weekend
Down: my computer broke down!...several times *grr*
Down: i have a headache
Up: the weather is supposed to get better
Up: listening to great music
Down: I had a psychology test for Uni today... on a Saturday...

Up: The test was easy... very easy!

Down: I know that I got one question wrong though... bugger...

Up: Had fun at my friends house, watching season 1 eps of CSI:Miami and The West Wing.

Down: I have a philosophy essay due on Wednesday... crap...
Down: I'm still ill! Aargh.
Up: I talked to nice people at MSN last night.
Down: I have to study while I'm feeling so terrible.
AshleyWillows said:
Down: I sprained my ankle and wrist.
Down: I'm in so much pain.

Aw, I know how you feel :( Hang on!

Up: Wrote three poems for Dutch class, just one to go.
Up: Going to Disneyland tonight :D
Up: Listening to great music Eva sent me :D Thanks girl!
Up: Looking forward to work today.
Down: Still have a lot to do.
Up - I actually woke up this morning early enough to jet wash my car. It was in dire need. :lol:

Down - Working at the moment. *sighs* Only 2 hours to go though. :)
Up:No homework, no study...Oh, I love holidays.
Up:Be able to watch twice the hug scene between Danny and Lindsay in CSI:NY
Up:Just watched CSI:Miami
Up:Talking with a Net friend in Msn.
Down:Sometimes have nothing specific to do can be kind of boring, just like today.
Down:probably going to shopping. I need it, but don't like it.
Up: Only had to work half a day at work.
Up: Went shopping this afternoon and bought a new jacket. :D

Down: Having to tell my boss that I'm quitting my weekend job. But she was fine about it (luckily), so it wasn't so bad after all.
Lizzy_004 said:
Up: Listening to great music Eva sent me :D Thanks girl!

Yay, so happy you like it! :D I loved the songs you sent me too.

Up: I managed to do my homework despite my sickness.
Up: Listening to good music.
Down: This damn cold annoys me so much.
Up: Bought all new clothes today :D
Up: Work was good.
Up: Will be leaving for Disneyland in 4 hours :D
Up: I'm soooo looking forward to it!
Up: Only 4 hours of school Monday.
Up: Don't have school Wednesday and Thursday. Man, this week is gonna rock! :cool:
Down: My dad got rushed to hospital Thursday night
Down: They still haven't figured out what is making him sick
Down: Because he's 'possibly' infectious and I'm pregnant they won't let me see him.

I need a hug...
Up: Got to hang out with friend this weekend
Up: Got a hair cut yesterday :D
Up: I only need 50 more dollars for my shoes
Down: I get jealous to easily
Down: I feel like to two of my "friends" I don't exist anymore, and it's making me sad
Up: Sister made me feel better
Down: I need a new straightner
Up: The one I want is like, only 30 dollars :p
DOWN: My eyes are sore
UP: I'm gonna make Grey's icons! Wooo!
DOWN: I haven't studied at all yet...
DOWN: I'm gonna have a big chemistry test tomorrow
DOWN: I'm sleepy
DOWN: There's a big mess in my room
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