Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Down: I wonted to watch CSI but my TV didn’t cooperate!
Down: My head hurts!
Down: My friend asks me to do something and I was late!
Up: I made some nice icons…
Up: My new jeans look very good on me!
Up: I met this guy I like… oooo He looked so cute! He has bluest eyes I have ever seen!
Down: I think I wanna cry
Down: I feel betrayed
Up: She's a good friend :)
Up: She knows what a secret is
Up: I gots spaghetti in the fridge I'm going to go eat
Up: I found an unlive version of one of my favorite songs!
Down: In a hugee fight with a friend
Down: No one knows where my cousin ran off too.
Down: I am having a panic attack. I can barely breathe and I can't stop crying.
Down: We think my cousin ran off to Edmonton to go see her boyfriend, whom is a guy she has never met before.
Up: I had soooo much fun with my best friend!
Up: I had my favorite salad for lunch!

Down: My mothers boring friend came for coffee and interrupted me in watching my TV show!
Down: It’s raining…
Up: Got my Chem test mark back, and it was awesome. :)
Up: Got the mark back for an English project that I was really stressed out over...and I got 100%. :D
Up: Got my essay topic approved, so I can start writing right away.
Up: Mastered a really tricky part in my Taekwon-Do pattern.
Up: Saw the preview for Empty Eyes. :D :D :D :D :D

Down: Wrote a Bio test didn't go too well. :( Why is it that the one thing you don't study is the one thing that pops up in every other question?! :mad:
Down: Super tired today.
Down: Piano lesson tomorrow. Now, I love playing the piano, but I really don't like my lessons. :(
Down: It snowed today. (AGAIN!!!)
up: got my police administration exam back.. not too shabby! :D
up: made cookies
up: looked after my friends cute!
down: i'm tired
down: it's way too hot in my apartment
Up: French test was easy :D
Up: The sun is shining!
Down: I don't know, something is just not feeling right.
Down: I'm still really busy with school, and my test week begins Friday (next week)..
Up: Got the details of my salary increase :)
Up: Everything is looking up with the house!
Down: Still feeling unwell
Down: Too much work to do, not enough time :eek:
Up:It was funny!
Up:We all had a great time together.
Up:I saw that hug between Danny and Lindsay in yesterday's episode of CSI:NY...How sweet!
Up:We're going to have a dinner/party tonight!
Down:It is a goodbye party.
Down:I was concerned about my friend today, as we visited a grotto(?) and she was so pale and with some difficult in breathing...
Up:She was good after the visit
Down:I feel kind of tired and I miss spend more time here.
Up: School's almost done (two weeks)!
Down: Exams are almost here (two weeks).
Up: I think our group project is awesome.
Down: A key member of our group may not show up for the presentation however.
Down: I'm really tired, and it's only Wednesday.
Down: I am being constantly reminded that I am single because one of my friends refuses to shut up about his girlfriend. :(
Up: I got back at him on the group project. :p
Up: tomorrow is my last "real" day of school, where we have lessons for the last time!
Up: tomorrow we have to disguise ourselves as farmers :lol:

Down: haven't learnt anything today for my exams next week :(
FreakyLady said
Up: tomorrow we have to disguise ourselves as farmers
do you by any chance have "Motto-Tage" at school? ;)

Up: i'm watching a good movie
Up: had a great dinner
Down: i'm freezing
Down: don't know what to think of something a friend said... :(
CW A poor loss for a poor lass. Depth-Of-Love hope your uncle lives he needs to we can't have two people to mourn it would be too much. To quote the Doctor I'm sorry, so sorry.( CW you are a girl right)
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