Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Up: I hade so much fun with my best friend.
Up: I laughed so much my stomach hurts
Up: My friend told me something very important and confidential!
Up: I’m trustworthy!

Down: My parents are boring me whit nagging!
Down: I should be learning and I’m not… ups
Up: really long match tomorrow.
Up: Long Bus Ride.
Down: I'm not playing AGAIN.
Up: I won a game today.
Down: I'm realizing i'm a very angry person.
Down: Gym was really weird today.
Down: Ran A lot today.
Up: I like shorts again.
Up: bought some stuff today for next week when my last week of school begins
Up: still good weather

Down: I'm hungry
Down: I'm a little bit tired
*looks at top post of the page* Lizzy, I think you landed in the wrong thread :p

Down: Have been sick for two days.
Down: Still sick.
Down: First time I've been sick in 4 years.
Up: Did go to school today and it was funny.
Down: Because of my sickness I was too weak to get my arse towards the PC to write my essay. Its deadline is tomorrow :eek:
Down: I have uni tomorrow and I have SOOO much reading to do for my subjects!
Down: Finally saw the doctor about my shoulder that I can dislocate at will, she said I have to have it x-rayed... :(
Down: My driving instructor made me drive in traffic!

Up: I didn't die while driving in traffic!
Up: The weather is starting to cool down... FINALLY!
Up: Hahah, just made myself laugh
Up: I moved my bed!
Down: Umm, I can't see the floor :lol: I didn't know there was that much crap under my bed
Up: Have a class I like today
Down: Have a class I hate today
Down: Test...that I'm most likley going to fail today :lol:
Up: Have done a lot of work today
Up: Found some money I didn't know I had :lol:
Down: I have a headache (again)
Up: New haircut :D
Up: Haven't walked this good since weeks.
Down: Have to study for two tests :eek: How will I manage?
Down: Have to return my sister's iPod on Friday :(
Down: Im sad now.
Down: A guy that i used to think of as my brother until he started to do drugs and became alcoholic. He called me doll ( i almost cried, thats what he always called me) and it was the hardest phone conversation of my life. Because i love him so much and im worried because he is on drugs, crack actually and i miss him. I love him to death but i cant tell my parents because they would think i was ahorrinble person.
Truth is, i just miss him.

Wholly crap my down was really long.
Up: Listening to music
Up: Play on Webkinz :lol:
Down: I am so pissed off at my roommate! She kept like, hitting me, for no reason, and it really hurt
Down: Random person I do not know added me to MSN
Up: Getta see my sister soon :D
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