Up: I've finished my practise open book chemistry exam! =)
Down: Not matter how much work I do, I'm still behind, it seems!
Up: Aaron's forgiven me for being a cow on Friday
Up: I only had one lesson today

My English and French tutors were ill, so I had the morning off ^-^
Up: CSI's starting again tomorrow!!
Up: The dragonfly fairylights I got for Christmas look so purdy
Down: Have therapy tomorrow. Pouring my heart out to someone who's practically a stranger isn't my cup of tea.
Down: My half term break is probably going to be taken over by revision for my mocks! The injustice!
Down: I have 3 English Lit mock exams
Up: Seeing as biology is a modular course, we're not being made to do biology mocks

Down: I seem to be going down with the flu, but I can't really take any days off this term without a good reason, as I'm trying to improve my attendance record (haha...unfortunately my number of latenesses has not decreased XD )
Yup, my list seems to be getting longer by the day...oh dear...