Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Up: Prison Break today
Up: day at school wasn't so bad :p
Up: 2 first lessons were cancelled so i slept :D
Down: maths test tomorrow
Up: i just realized i don't have homeworks, wupii! :D
Up: my sister is out of hospital
Up: Monday is almost over

Down: can't get to my Japanese course
Down: homework
Down: I'm tired
Up: It's my birthday :D
Down: I don't think I'll have any money left on my cell phone after texting everyone back who texted me :p
up: csi miami was just on and now it's csi :D
down: weather sucks
up: skipped school today
down: my friend is sick
down: the last episode of csi:ny's season 2 aired today. no more new epis for a couple of month... :(
down: my dinner tasted horrible
up: we had fun in english
up: the weather was ok
biggest down: still no letter concerning my money for college. :( why are they always so slow when it comes to giving away money?! :mad:
Up: I've finished my practise open book chemistry exam! =)
Down: Not matter how much work I do, I'm still behind, it seems!
Up: Aaron's forgiven me for being a cow on Friday
Up: I only had one lesson today :p My English and French tutors were ill, so I had the morning off ^-^
Up: CSI's starting again tomorrow!!
Up: The dragonfly fairylights I got for Christmas look so purdy
Down: Have therapy tomorrow. Pouring my heart out to someone who's practically a stranger isn't my cup of tea.
Down: My half term break is probably going to be taken over by revision for my mocks! The injustice!
Down: I have 3 English Lit mock exams
Up: Seeing as biology is a modular course, we're not being made to do biology mocks :)
Down: I seem to be going down with the flu, but I can't really take any days off this term without a good reason, as I'm trying to improve my attendance record (haha...unfortunately my number of latenesses has not decreased XD )

Yup, my list seems to be getting longer by the day...oh dear...
Down - I thought I'd broken my car mirror this morning.
Up - Turns out, the mirror is fine! :eek:
Up - Not long until CSI starts. :D
Up: Its snowing again! :D
up: My favortie song is on the radio.
Down: I'm still numb
Down: I hate myself right now :(
Down: No good CSI tonight :(
Down: Something is wrong with my sister and she wont tell me
Down: I have to go to the stupid Denist tomorrow
Down: No one on Talk.CSI talks to me
Up: Had soo much fun today
Up: I went to the zoo today with an old friend
Up: I'm listening to one of my favorite songs
Up: I watched a really good movie
Down: My roommates are playing the most annoying game on the planet! They have to clap really loud, and it hurts me poor ears
Down: My roommate is being Miss Crazy and is making me right down a shopping list, and plan out all my meals in some stupid notebook she wrote "Levon's meal book" on
Down: I'm hungry!
Up: I finally went to my university campus and walked around and attended orientation thingies!
Up: I had a fun day with my friends.
Up: I have my favorite flavour of chips... yay!

Down: It's been so disgustingly hot and humid today!
Down: I have to work tomorrow...
Up: Woohooooo! Test week is over.
Up: Got a mark back; 82%. :D Average of the class was 62%.
Down: I'm very very tired now and I'll soon get some sleep.
Up: I have all the time to make art now, yay!
Congrats on your great results Roos! :)

Up: Going out shopping this afternoon.
Up: Getting more job applications done.
Up: CSI season 7 starts tonight! :D
down: still no letter, thus...
down: still no money. :( :mad:
up/down: no spanish class today. who'll explain the past tenses to me???
down: from tomorrow on i won't have internet anymore for at least 2 weeks. :(
up: new episode at house m.d. tonight *yay*
down: my freakin internet explorer is totally messed up *gah*. well, not that i'll be able to use it the next couple of weeks...
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