Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Up: My band and I had a great time at our gig last night (Tuesday), and we will start recording this month. I'm so excited!

Down: I'm feeling a little sick today, plus I have a feeling one of my groupmates, whom I had given a second chance at redeeming herself for not showing up last week for our report, will not show up again tomorrow. =/
Whoa, Roos, great job. :)

Up: My tests today went okay.
Down: I have to study English for tomorrow.
Up: It's not that hard, though.
Well done, Roos and Keich! :)

Down: I feel worse than I did this morning
Up: I stayed until half-way through my 4th lesson- how's that for stamina? XD
Down: Schoolwork is piling up and I'm in no fit state to do it. I can't even eat :(
Up: Allies actually going to school today, which means i don't have to walk in the freezing cold alone!
Up: I'm awake
Up: Hehe, the curling gel I just bought is so far working :p
Down: Everybody is against my vegitarian diet thing right now, it's highly annoying!
Down: Everybodys physco in this house at the moment
Up: One more day before weekend :)
Up: Finally done with filling in taxrefund
Down: There's another one to fill in.
Up: Going to Germany in February :D :D To see my best friend :)
Down: Still didn't snow in Germany, so I'll have to teach tomorrow otherwise 2nd graders would've gone skiing.
up: my internet worked one more day! *yay*
down: it'll be down tomorrow for sure
down: studied for my english exam on friday and i've got the feeling i won't remember anything.
down: still no letter from bafoeg. i'm really frustrated. :(
up: this week is almost over!!!
Up: I win the second place of the beginner level from the *Icon Challenge #18: Phantom Of The Opera*... ;)

Down: I feel me bad and I'm so condemned tired.... :(
Down: Woke up just in time to be yelled at by my dad
Down: put me in a bad mood all morning
Up: not such a bad mood anymore
Down: It's cold
Up: it could be colder
undecided: I'm starting to get hungry...
Up: I still have *a bit* of an appetite
Down: Now I have a temperature and have consumed about a gallon of water in the past hour
Up: Had a pretty good day at school today
Up: The new hair stuff I bought works :D
Up: Gotta see Allie a bit before she left for work
Down: Umm, my other two roommates aren't home, and I have no clue where they are.
Down: I am such an idioit :p
Down: I have 95 emails to go through!
Up:I'm finally getting a tutor in Algebra! Yay, no more failing!
Up:Criminal Minds is on tonight, as is CSI:NY, so that's cool.
Up:I'm doing really good on my Music Technology project for once.
Down:Having a problem finding money for my trip to Italy.
Down:Having a depressed day, long story.
Up:picked my courses for next year, I'm so excited!
Up:I lost three pounds!
Up:I have stayed strong and remained spoiler-free.
Down:My room's a mess.
Down:I haven't even started my homework yet at 8:11 P.M.
Up:I don't have a huge heap of homework.
Up:I finally posted again on my roleplays.
Down:Stuck on my fanfiction.
Up:Got to have hot chocolate, cookies, and Hershey Kisses and read books during English class.
Up:No 4 hour dance rehearsals tonight.
Up: My class went to see "The Glass Menagerie" at the Guthrie Theater...AWESOME.
Down: I didnt get to see the whole theater or any of the other cool stuff that's there

Up: Homework for tommorow is done
Down: Homework thats due Friday beckons...I will not answer.
Down: When I arrived at school this morning I found out the teacher we had for the first class was ill... so I was 1,5 hours too early.
Up: School wasn't that bad except for that.
Up: Soon going to babysit.
Up: Might go studing for a CPE. :D Yay, I'll be a Cambridge graduate in 2 years :lol:
Up: School was relaxing today.
Up: Yay, ER is on tonight. :D Maura Tierney overload. Plus, I've heard they're FINALLY going to air season 12 here. Yay for Luby love!
MissRoosFox said:
Up: Yay, ER is on tonight. :D Maura Tierney overload. Plus, I've heard they're FINALLY going to air season 12 here. Yay for Luby love!

Woooot, they are?! :D That's awesome. I was afraid they were gonna stop after season 11.
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