Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: i am not ill :D
Down: i wanna take a nap, but i can't i need to get done my homeworks :(
down: yet tomorrow english speech test..i don't want it! wee :( :p
down: even chocolate is over :D
Up: Tonight "Getting Off" is on
Up: The sun is shining
Down: I'm too lazy to move but got a shit load of stuff to do
Down: My throat is sore, feels like I'm in the beginnnings of a cold
MiaCharlize said:
Down: My throat is sore, feels like I'm in the beginnnings of a cold
Get well soon MiaCharlize

Up: almost half of the week is done
Down: tomorrow there will be a huge Maths test, about stochastics. And I don't feel like doing something for it. (I can be happy that stochastics isn't that difficult :lol:)
Up: Eh, no ups.
Down: I woke up at 3 am with 4 mosquito's flying around my head and I couldn't kill them because if I would pat my face, my mouth would hurt again.
Down: They were working on the rail road at 3 am, so I couldn't sleep because of the noise ( I live near one)
Down: I couldn't sleep after I woke up
Down: I'm tired.
Down: I'm getting ill.
down: today in school someone pushed over a bin (and its one of the really big ones) and it fell right on top of my foot and it hurts like hell and i have the most massive bruise i have ever seen on it.

up:it gets me out of training yay!
from the morning....
down:woke up with stomach ache from last nights dinner that clearly didnt agree with me!!!!

up: went to skool!!!....saw the man i loved a few hundred time ((my teacher))

down: my science teacher got his own back on me for posting his pic on my myspace by calling me morgan cabbadge ((not my second name but its kinda the same ish!!)) and that pissed me off!!!!!

down: got shouted at by one of my friends for something that has nothing to do with me!!!!

up: dragged said science teacher along the corridoor by his tie and make an embarresment of him!!! :):)

UP!!!!!!: saw the man i love again!!! drove by me outside of school...i was on my way round a friends house and he drove by me in his NEW car with a sexy lil t-shirt on....his wife was in the car and ive never seen her before, shes erm....interesting! shal we be kind lol

down: couldnt shout about said encounter cuz my mum doesnt know!!!!!!! argh!!!! so now im saying it on here :):):)!!!

up: nearly bed time....which means....CSI:NY in bed before i go to sleep!!!
Up: Finished the essay!
Up: Passed my algebra quiz
Up: I'm doing well in history, which is a surprise

Down: I have loads of assignments due tomorrow and Friday
Down: Am back to being horribly sick again :(
Down: I keep sneezing! :lol:

Wait, another up: I get to watch my favorite episode of Gilmore Girls later! :)
Hope you get better, Catherinesmyidol, MiaCharlize, Roos and orgasmicbilly! ;)

Up: I've met someone...

Down: too much traffic today.

Down: it seems everyone in here is getting ill. :(
Dolphin said:
Down: it seems everyone in here is getting ill. :(

i agree with you, people around me too, and even here... hurry guys take some cookies and brownies! :lol:

Up: finally i am free from homework ...
Down: pff so what..time to go sleep :rolleyes:
down: test tomorrow, i don't want it no no no ... *sniff* first lesson.. arrghh :rolleyes:
LtKitty said:
Dolphin said:
Down: it seems everyone in here is getting ill. :(

i agree with you, people around me too, and even here... hurry guys take some cookies and brownies! :lol:

*grabs brownies and cookies* :p

Actually, I've just got back from seeing Rory Cochrane in Right At Your Door, so that made me feel better watching him, even though the film wasn't great *runs from angry Rory fans* .
wibble said:
LtKitty said:
Dolphin said:
Down: it seems everyone in here is getting ill. :(

i agree with you, people around me too, and even here... hurry guys take some cookies and brownies! :lol:

*grabs brownies and cookies* :p

Actually, I've just got back from seeing Rory Cochrane in Right At Your Door, so that made me feel better watching him, even though the film wasn't great *runs from angry Rory fans* .


Nice to know you're feeling better. ;)
Have more brownies...

*puts brownies on the table for everyone who's sick*
wibble said:
*passes Tink a box of Kleenex and some Benylin's* :)
Ahhh, I feel so much better now, thanks wibble. *picks up a cookie* :)

Strange really that everyone seems to be under the weather, maybe it's the time of year. My dad has been off work as his been feeling a bit off (I probably caught my cold from him :lol:). I do feel a little better now, but today has been one big down, even though I've had the afternoon off, I just can't get motivated to do anything when my nose is constantly running. :eek:
SUPER UP: i have a friend at school yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
UP: i talked to alie on msn...i miss her but i talk to her all the time! eee yay!
DOWN: i got called FAT! poor i actually feel fat
:( :( :(
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