Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Ha! Ive had alot of ups and downs for the past few weeks so pleaaaase...bear with me.

up: Went to go see my bros in Edmonton
Up: mom was happy and pregnant
Down: She couldnt control her mood swings
Down: She went all nuts and swore
Down: Abusive mom came out
Up: Had an awesome friend who helped me out
Up: Im now living with her after I left dad's house
OOBER UP: Got smashed, blasted, and plastered
Up: Dropped out of my school
Down: Hadn't talked to my best friend ever, who was also my gf at that time, because I was scared
Down: Heard she was upset, so I became upset, and cried for days like a little baby
Up: Have a new gf, but I value me and my best friend ever...s? friendship!
Up: A new production of Northanger Abbey is being made! Whoop! :D (yes, I'm a Jane Austen fan ;) ).

Up: Watched Memoiors of A Geisha. Nice film :)

Down: Couldn't get my hands on a certain book I want to read. Will have to wait a bit longer :(
wibble said:
Up: A new production of Northanger Abbey is being made! Whoop! :D (yes, I'm a Jane Austen fan ;) ).
Ohhh major up :D Jane rocks my socks!

Down: am still up.. not good.. teaching starts in 8 hours and I need to be shiny and polished (read: beauty sleep).

Down: my housemate and her boyfriend had a bath around 8pm.. then I took a shower around 9pm.. and the water was friggin' cold.. really icy cold :( It woke me up badly. So yeah, I still took the shower :p

Up: 3 nights.

Up: I'm going to Ikea on Thursday :D
Up: Bought a new alarm clock, so now I won't have to stay up all night with the fear of not waking up on time :lol:
Up: Got the first season of Gilmore Girls to watch tonight
Up: Finished my algebra quiz and only got one question wrong
Up: I talked to my ef gf today

Down: It made me extremely sad
Down: Having a rather bad night
Down: My room needs cleaned
Down: OMFG EW my mom just said Hilary Duff looks like a younger Melinda Clarke :eek: ew They do NOT look alike in the least :lol:
Down: I have an idea for a fanfic but cannot write it :(
Catherinesmyidol said:

Up: I talked to my ef gf today

Down: It made me extremely sad
Down: Having a rather bad night
Down: My room needs cleaned
Down: OMFG EW my mom just said Hilary Duff looks like a younger Melinda Clarke :eek: ew They do NOT look alike in the least :lol:

Urg...Hilary duff doesnt look like a young melinda clarke....Ive seen her and not it. :D Hey don't feel sad about talking to me, Juju. the thing with you and me is that we're connected emotionally by strings. If you're upset, I am...its a pretty funny thing.

Okay I got an up and a down.

Up: (will make Jayne happy) I had Olliebolen for the first time.
Down: Made me sick.
Today kind of sucked! lol
Down: I had to go into the hospital because a cyst on my ovary ruptured (ya, it hurt ;)!)
Up: The cable guy came and hooked me up with high speed internet and cable :D
obsession_360 said:
Up: (will make Jayne happy) I had Olliebolen for the first time.
Down: Made me sick.
:lol: I'm sorry.. you had Oliebollen?? :lol: You shouldn't be having those things until New Years Eve!! :eek: They make me sick too though, I don't really like them.
Down: Have an essay due tomorrow that I am working my ass off on and it's not going well
Down: Heart hurts, fairly badly
Down: My cold is back! Ugh!

Up: Am waking up at 6 to watch my very favorite (the only episode I've seen :p) of Xena. :lol:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
obsession_360 said:
Up: (will make Jayne happy) I had Olliebolen for the first time.
Down: Made me sick.
:lol: I'm sorry.. you had Oliebollen?? :lol: You shouldn't be having those things until New Years Eve!! :eek: They make me sick too though, I don't really like them.
Haha...Im not dutch so I wouldnt really know! But it was good on the most part.
Up: had a great party yesterday in the pub.
Up: booked my flight back to Spain (read: second home)
Up: My ex-boss told me I can do a Spanish course at his school for free because he really likes it that I'm coming back for a week!
Down: I thought I was almost better, but after last night I only feel worse :(
Super major Down: Accidentally deleted my trusty picture editting software :( :(
Down: Presentation was a big bust.
Down: I friggin DELETED the thing! ARGH!

Up: Holidays are here but....hmm....not so excited all of a sudden. :eek: I think I'm SICK in the head!
Down: argued with mom and now she's mad at me (shocking news -.-)

Up: dropped 6 pounds in a week :D

Down: can't find a nice pair of shoes in the whole Milan.
*passes Tink a box of Kleenex and some Benylin's* :)

Actually, I'm not feeling too great today either, so guess that's a downer for me.

On the up side, it means I have an excuse for slacking off my thesis today :p
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