Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: I get to go back to Spain in october :D
Up: I'm going to the cinema tonight
Up: I'm slightly better now
Down: Have class with a teacher who doesn't like me today
Down: Cannot sleep due to my inability to breathe very well
Down: It is 5 in the morning and I'm awake :eek:
Down: I have loads of assignments due today

Up: Am watching my favorite episode of The OC
Up: Found an awesome t-shirt that I would love to have
Up: It rained last night
Up: not so much homework today :p
Up: CSI Miami todnight and later CSI LV too :D
Up: oh, right and between both CSi's there will be FMX show! :p
down: water is droping on my neighbour is sinking or something? :p hey! stop it.. it is getting wet... :mad:
Up: teaching 3rd graders went a lot better than previously :D
Down: The weather.. it's just too hot to teach.. the classrooms are not build for heats like these
Up: will see my gf tomorrow again
Up: Mum asked whether I wanted to go to Prague with her in October, could not decline that.. especially since it will only be the two of us :D
Up: I got 42&1/2 out of 45 in my R.E. test today :D :lol:
Up: Had a cracking thunderstorm (didn't you love the pun? :lol:) earlier. We have literally had about 3 so far this week and it is only Thursday, and the storms we arre having are proper big tropical storms! :D

Down: It's not been a stressful day but it has been really challenging
Up: I had a Greek test and I had an A :eek: I'm so proud of myself cause nobody else had an A.. :D
Down: It's to hot to learn..
Up: Tonight CSI:NY, House and NCIS :D
Down: Still need to learn my Latin.. Why did I decide to keep my latin and greek classes.. :confused:
Up: (thanks Danique for reminding me, how late are those on? I forgot. CSI:NY's at 8.30, right? ) ER's on tonight! :D
up: when i did my dog walking today i didnt get peed on
down: misty (one of the dogs) found what was left of a rabbit and i had to wrestle the slimey leg bone out of her mouth. it still had a bit of fur and nails on its little foot :( guess it wasnt lucky anymore...
Down: I'm sick, tired and cold.
Up: I'm going to bed now and I don't have to get up tomorrow.
Down: Probably won't be able to sleep much...
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