Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Down: Tomorrow my bf leaves for London
Down: Didn't go shoe shopping
Down: My two cats are sleeping on my bed and I don't have the heart to wake them up

Edit: Up: At last the swimmingpool is going to be built
UP: im home!
DOWN: i miss allie and levon
UP: a person who hasnt talked to me in a while just talked to me.
DOWN: im encredibly tired!!!!
UP: i dont have class tomorrow
up: My bf called me from his school on his lunch break.
down: my sister wont talk to me. :(
Up: I'm going to stay over at my friend's house thrusday
Down: My sister is mad at me :(
Hope you feeling better, Jayne!

Have fun, saras_girlfriend!

Up: feeling better today. :)

Down: still sleepy...
Up: Staying up until 6 AM to watch Melinda Clarke on Xena. :D :lol:
Up: Passed my algebra quiz
Up: Not quite so ill

Down: I really want to play my CSI computer game but can't because I can't install it on this computer. :(
Up: poem nightmare is over and i got pretty good mark yeey! :D actually it was better than that..teacher just hates me :rolleyes:
Down: tomorrow i have speaking test in english :eek: cmon, give me some space from this sh-'s :eek:
Up: CSI tonight! :)
down: I feel so fucked up today..I feel so ugly and all the guys in my class made me feel even worse with there comments on how ugly I am.. :( I feel fat, I'm the tallest of my friends and my eyes hurt so I had to put my glasses on instead of my contact lenses.. :mad:
up: tonight CSI: Miami
Danique, never seen you, but I'm sure you're pretty. :)

Up: Uhm, short day at school tomorrow.
Up: I'm listening to great music.
Down: Pounding head ache
Down: My mouth still hurts.
awwe dont feel bad Danique. i was always the tallest of my friends and i actually still am! and we all go through days where we feel fat ot ugly or something like that! And just remember the guys that actually call you ugly or fat or whatever are eaither jerks or they are so insecure they need to make fun of others just to feel good! but really im sure you not ugly! no one is! some are just prettier than others!
Up: Today I got 10 in literature!! :) I'm proud of it!! :rolleyes:
Down: Tomorrow is speaking test in english...that's not good!!
Up: Outside is very sunshine, but...
Down:... this is poor stuff, because I must to learn!! :(
FreakyLady said:
Up: CSI: Miami this evening :D
That's my up for today as well! :lol: You must be in the UK!

Down - I've had to blow my nose about 20 times today, I feel a cold coming on. :rolleyes:
thanks sandleissocute and RoosCSILover, no you haven't seen me, my parents don't want me to put pictures on internet.. :( they are so protective..but atleast they care about me.. :)
Up: Had fantastic lessons today
Up: The director of the school asked if I wanted to teach another 6 hours per week :eek: I told him no, of course I could use the money, but I don't think I'll survive teaching 1fte, I teach 0.8fte now, which is enough for a starter I think.
Up: He also said that I was the only one he trusted with another 6 hours :D YAY! He said he was confident that I could handle it but he also said that I shouldn't go against my own feelings.
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