Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Up: She's back soon :)
Up: I'm just having fun, haha, I mean I have my little sister and my friends over...and the best part is, my little sister gets along with my friends!
Down: Oww, I have like really, really bad cramps.
Down: My friend that became obsessed with CSI with me doesn't like it any more!
Up - I'm off work today! *yay* First day off in 3 weeks, so I'm going to watch CSI for the next 6 hours. :lol: I'm really too tied to do anything else. :eek:

Down - I had to get up at 7am to drop my car off to the dealership. I've got leaks! :eek: :(
Up: My little sister is such a cutie! She printed off a bunch of CSI pictures and glued them on magnents then gave them to me!

Up: I found apple juice in my fridge!

Down: Umm...I don't know how long it's been there...and I don't think I want to...lets just stick with the fact that it tastes fine.

Up: I'm gonna make pasta for dinner :)

Down: I'm horrible at cooking...I can manage to actually burn pasta!

Up: My little sister said she'd help me :)
Up: Having the best fun of my life, talking to a friend on MSN. :)

Down: My iPod was broken.. so I had to give it to the apple-people. Lovely warrantee, getting a new one in a week, but I have to miss my best bud for a week!
Up: yupii, i saw CSI Miami pics in Brazil! i can't wait, i can't wait! :D
Up: awsome night, with rain and lightning! :p
down: i need to go pee :lol:
Up: I'm listening to super awesome music right now!
Up: I just adore my little sister!
Down: I wasted another day doing nothing
Down: My friends making me mad...she's changed to much!
Down: My parents are driving me mad, especially my mother. :mad:
Down: My friend wanted to call me again yesterday but she didn´t and my other friends didn´t even call.
Up: Hm nothing, really.
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